March 5th

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March 5th 

It's been a month since you went into a coma. You haven't woken up. I haven't given up hope. I feel never give up hope that you will be okay.
You just have to do your part and be okay.
I think I know how you have felt all these years The feeling of being alone. 
The others don't seem any better. 
Snotlout stopped flirting with Ruffnut.
Fishlegs is even more quiet than before.  
Ruffnut and Tuffnut stopped being so ditructive. I think they finally realized what can happen if you aren't careful.
I am not pointing fingers.
So when you read this letter when you wake up, don't think I am pointing figures at a certain one-legged dog lover.
Speaking of dogs, Toothless misses you.
I miss you.
Please wake up and come back to me.


Won't Give Up [Book 4]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें