March 25th

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March 25th,

It was hard today. I can't point out the reason why. But it was. I just didn't feel any happier than the day before. I knew that knowing that you are laying on this bed, not waking up, just got to me today.
I tried not to break down. It was hard. I did and Ruffnut was there. She didn't say anything. I knew she understood. 
I hope you know that the twins really do care about you. All your friends do. To be frank, they can be idiots sometimes but they do care about you.
As soon as class was over for the day, I came straight to you, hoping that being in your presence would help some how.
You know how awful I am with words. I know I already mentioned that but just so you know. 
You looked really pale. The doctors said that today would be hard for you. I don't remember what they said, but I remember them bringing up family information on their health.
I now know why you get sick so easily. Well, it was always kind of easy to guess why.
Snotlout showed me a picture of yo when you were around 13 years old.
You were so tiny. You were cute though. 
I punched Snotlout though for being so mean to you after I heard about your families records.
You would tell me not to be so violent. I would say that violence is communication.
I remember that whenever I say that, you always roll your eyes and kiss my cheek. Tuffnut would tease us about being that sappy couple.
Then I would punch him.

Your girlfriend with a small temper,

Won't Give Up [Book 4]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt