"You know what I want." She mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. Hook felt his heart sink. No matter how hard he tried she just wouldn't let it go. He walked over and knelt beside her.

"Cordelia, please I'm only tryi-" Corey cut him off.

"My name is Corey!" She spat. Hook let out a frustrated sigh.

"Please Corey, why can't you just let it go? He didn't want to be here.... And he had a good reason." Hook said. Then Corey suddenly jumped up and turned to face her father, who was still kneeling on the ground shocked.

"Why can't I just let it go!? He was my brother!!!!! He left me here! He didn't even say goodbye!!! Family doesn't leave family!!.... No matter what!!" Corey yelled before storming out of the room. Hook stood up, still shocked at her outburst. He slowly stood up. She was just like her mother, a ticking bomb, they held their emotions in until they couldn't anymore. He slowly walked down the hall to his office. Only to be greeted by Smee waiting outside his door.

"It's alright Captain. She'll get over it eventually." Smee said. Clearly having over heard Corey's outburst.

"If she's anything like her mother, it will take a while." Hook said with a sigh before entering his office and collapsing in a chair.

Meanwhile, Corey paced the deck of the ship. She could see small fires dotting the island like stars in the night. She could hear the water lap against the side of the boat. She and Bae played hide and go seek on the deck of the ship at night all the time. She thought about Bae and wondered whether or not he even missed her. Then one by one all the little fires on the island went out and reappeared somewhere else. Corey rubbed her eyes to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"They kinda look like stars don't they? If you-" A voice, behind her, said but before the voice finished Corey's sword was at their throat.

"Who are you!?" Cory growled as she pushed her sword harder into the their throat so that if she pushed any harder it would draw blood.

"The names Peter, Peter Pan." The boy said.

"What do you want!?" Corey growled.

"Oh nothing, my shadow has just been telling me of a girl that lives on this ship. I believe she goes by the name of .... Corey? And I am quite interested in meeting her." Peter said as he gave her a mischievous smile.

"There is no one on this ship that

Goes by the name of Corey!" Corey said as she pulled her sword away from his neck and pushed him away. Peter smiled.

"But that's where you're wrong. There is a girl on this ship who Goes by the Name of Corey." Peter said again. Corey knew that the boy in front of her was the one her father had warned her about.

"I'm am the only girl on this ship and I certainly don't go by the name of Corey." She said as she pointed her sword at his throat. She mentally praised her lying abilities.

"But again, that's where you're wrong. You are Corey." He said as he calmly moved the sword away from his throat and walked toward her.

"You see Corey, I've been watching you for a long time. Long before you even came to this world and you are special." Peter said. Corey started to back up.

"That's impossible because my name is NOT Corey!" She said sternly as she lifted her sword and put it back so it was at his throat.

"I know everything about you and I know that what you really want is to get the answers from your half brother, Baelfire. Corey" he said softly "I can help you get those answers. All you have to do is come with me...... Now what do you say?" Peter said with a smile, one that appeared to be sincere but Corey knew it wasn't.

The Forest (sequel to The Docks, a Once Upon A Time Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now