The Magic Realm

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Maddie:Diego plz wake up for me
Ursula: Maddie Winky what is this ruckus oh my
Maddie: Diego wake up
Ursula: There's not heartbeat
Maddie: No there has to be in explanation
[Maddie then hugs Diego's dead body]
[Gigi after hearing the news shut downs her blog for good
Katie: Maddie I'm so sorry
Sophie: This must be hard for you
Maddie: I think I'm gonna go home for now
[Emma watches Diego's Tribute video on the school website]
Emma: Andi Diego is gone
Andi: What
Emma: This Nathan guy has attacked all of our guy friends who's next
[Andi pretends to starts dying]
Emma: Andi  no
Andi: Gotcha
Emma: Are you kidding me
Andi: He took away our weakness
Maddie: He only took apart of mine
Emma and Andi: Ahhhhhh
Maddie: my weakness is a world without anyone
Emma: We all have to work together to defeat him and save our friends and family before...
Andi: We lose everyone we care about
[Late that night]
Katie: so when Emma is powerless we trick him to think Maddie is joint him and Maddie gives Emma her powers and Emma destroys him
Nathan: Great plan idiot girls
Girls: ahhhhhh
Maddie: You killed my boyfriend
Emma: You knew my boyfriend would save me you this on purpose
Nathan: Andrea Tony spell was casted on him by me the made it look as if the whole bad realm did it Emma could have easily reversed it
[Sophie then tackles Nathan to the ground]
Nathan: Get off of me Human
Sophie(Yelling) You have no power against me
Nathan: uhhhhhh
[Sophie then punches Nathan when he tries to release himself]
Emma: Go Sophie
Mrs. Torres: Get off of him
Mrs. Foiler: Looks like the whole gang is here now to destroy you all
[ Before she moves her hands The Council appear and before they can do anything everyone but Emma powers are taken]
[ World of Death]
Jax: I wanted us to have a future (tearfully) but now I've lost her forever
Tony: Man I always be here for you literally
Diego: Maddie
Jax: Diego
Diego: Jax Tony
[A group hug occurs]
Jax: Oh no you to this Nathan needs to stop
Voice: My brother
Tony: Wait Nathan Foiler is your brother
Voice: My name is Sterling and are you all here because of him
Diego: Yea but he's your brother why is he so evil
Sterling:(Voice Over) As a young child I was always the good wizard and Nathan was good at the time until he read the scroll.That someone would rise up and become The Savior to witches and wizards and watch over the chosen one. When he learned that I was The Savior he stole all my powers and killed me and plan to destroy the chosen one for good.
Nathan: I'm gonna be The Savior momma papa I'm gonna be The Savior
Mrs. Foiler: Actually son your brother won the position he outranked you in your training
Nathan: But I'm the eldest
Sterling: I won the position this is great I'm so excited I'm gonna start training soon as possible
Nathan: I hate you Sterling you're not my brother anymore
[sterling runs out]
Mrs. Foiler: You not gonna let that stop you huh when your father won the wizard of the year I killed him in his sleep
Nathan: What a great idea
[Years later]
Sterling: Nathan what happened to my powers Nathan why do you have The Wizard's Triton
[ Nathan strikes his brother]
Mrs. Foiler: You did well Nathan
Jax: Wow you had a rough one
Sterling: We need to work together and give the people on Earth signs that will bring you guys back
Jake: My powers
Emma: Nathan you can't do this think of the people you're hurting
Nathan: Everyone back up The Chosen One and I are gonna have a showdown no powers just hands and feet
Andi: We're doomed Emma can't fight
Jax Jr.: But I can
Emma: Jr
Jake: What did I tell you about clones
Jr: You're gonna have to tell my master that if he returns
[Jr tackles Nathan]
Emma: If
Jr: (grunting) he'll return if.....
Mrs. Torres: destroys Jr
Nathan: Thanks Honey
Ursula: Maddie what is all the noise are ahhhhh what is this man doing here
[ A shadowy figure goes around the room and then every villain they fought returns]
Ryan: Miss me Jake Liana's heart is dark again
E: Hey Em
Desdemona: I'm back
Emma: Every holds hands and get ready to swim
[ Emma casts a disappearing spell and leaves the villains at the Van Pelts]
Maddie: My hair
Jake: My suit
Desdemona: Now that we their plan we should use it against them
Nathan: That was my plane
Evil Emma: Can you guys give me boyfriend I was promised an Evil Jax
[Nathan then makes an evil version of Jax appear]
Mrs. Torres: wait how about we trick all the girls with an evil clone
Ryan: Brilliant and trick the clones into giving them to us the witches and humans
Liana: Hey Emma
[Evil Emma is too busy kissing Jax's Evil Clone]
Emma: Sorry did you ask for me
Liana: You know yourself beat now tell what's her weakness
Emma: Wait you mean our weakness now why would I tell you guys that you would probably use it against me
Ryan: Just tell us
Emma: You gotta promise not to double cross me or I'll tell myself your plans and team up with her to destroy you
Nathan: We have a deal
[At Maddie's]
Maddie: Why do I have to always lose my powers
Emma: I don't know but all I know is we're gonna lose this battle since they know our plan and we don't have a time The Chosen One Harmonic Convergence is tomorrow
Katie: That Nathan guy has to be stopped
Fake Diego: Maddie
Maddie: Diego
[Miego Hug]
Maddie: I thought you were dead
Fake Diego: Turns out I was in a coma
Katie: Wow you're back
Emma: Strange but what about Jax and Tony
Fake Jax: Emma
Emma: Jax
[Emma then kisses Fake Jax on the cheek a bunch of times]
Andi: I can't believe they're back but it feels too good to be true
Emma: You're right it has to be a trick Then it means something
Andi: What
Emma:(tearfully) I'll never see The Real Jax again
[Andi gives Emma a hug]
[Emma then texts Maddie about "Diego" and then makes him and Fake Tony and Jax disappear]
Nathan: Uh they figured out our plan Uhhh Liana do you have anything else
Liana: No and The Convergence is tomorrow what are we gonna do
Nathan: Destroy them no matter the cost once I take her powers there is no stopping us now
[World of Dead]
Jax: We need to get back to our world before it's too late
Sterling:There's nothing you can do I've been here for years
Tony: How about we get to take down The Principal and Mrs. Foiler
Diego: And maybe that will be our path home
Sterling: great idea
[Emma's House]
Emma: It just that I don't think I can forget about him
Mrs. Torres: So sad you won't exist to have known him
Emma: What are you holding
Mrs. Torres: Witch Crystal it has the power to make you cease to exist if your a witch or wizard but kanays just die
Emma: But don't you want my powers
Mrs. Torres: This weapons give me them directly after I destroy you
Emma: You can't hurt me remember my reflexes
Mrs. Torres: Your new reflexes is gone
Emma: You mean Jax
Mrs. Torres: Yep now let's get started shall we
Emma: What are you gonna tell my family
Mrs. Torres: Nothing
[Mrs. Torres strikes at Emma but a kanay take the shot and its revealed to be Max]
Emma: Max no Diego and you were gonna bring back the tribes
Max: As kanays we look out for The Chosen One no matter what
[ Emma realizing that guys always save the day then tackles Mrs. Torres and takes The Crystal]
Nathan: You better not do anything stupid or the power might bounce off to your parents
Emma: Noo
Nathan: Give me It
[Before she does she tries to stab Nathan with it instead it goes into Mrs. Torres]
Nathan: Honey nooo
Emma: Get out of my house
Nathan: Before I do wanna see your wizard one more time
Emma: What are you saying
[Nathan then opens a portal to The World of Death]
Emma: Jax
Jax: Emma
[ They reach out to each other but then Nathan takes the Crystal and sets it to destruct and throws it in portal and closes]
Emma: What did you do
Nathan: Take my love forever so will I
Emma: Nooo
[Nathan disappears and leaves Emma on the flooring reaching out in tears]
[Next Morning Graveyard]
Andi:(tearfully)Rest In Peace Tony Myers
Maddie: (tearfully)Rest In Peace Diego Rueda
[ a light appears when Andi and Maddie leaves and at The Seven The Real Tony and Diego see Maddie and Andi and run up to them gives them hugs and kisses]
Andi: How are you even here I thought you guys blew up and cease to exist
Tony: We made it out because of Jax
Andi: Where is he Emma is gonna be stoked
Diego: Umm sacrifice himself to make sure we made it out
Maddie: He gave up everything for us Andi for us to be happy
Andi: I don't think I could ever forget this
Emma: Tonight is the night
[ Emma thinks back to her future dream with Jax]
Emma: Not real and it's all my fault since I looked into my future after we defeated Mal and Liam
Maria: Emma help us
Emma: Mom
[ Emma runs in to see her mom and dad sucked into a portal]
Emma: Nooo
[ a note appears that reads: Emma you have no powers come to the center of the magic realm tonight to save your parents then give us your powers so you go back to nothing]
[That night]
Emma: Thanks guy for coming
Andi: no problem The Panther and Sharks on always on your side
Sophie: Have you ever seen The center of the realm
Emma: All I know is you'll feel most powerful there
Tony: We got your back
Max: Guys wait up
Diego: Thanks for coming bro
Emma: How are you alive
Max: I used a protective vest last night
Emma: Everyone ready to step in and fight
Emma: Then let's go
[ Inside Emma starts walking then Andi joins her and then one by one she has the whole realm on her side]
Emma: Top that
[Nathan starts then he's joined by his mother and then one by he has the whole bad realm on his side]
Emma: Impressive
Nathan: But I have something even cooler
[A huge creature the size of a stadium appears]
Emma: What is that
Nathan: Varick the creature were all gonna combine into but open the portal first
Andi: Emma I don't think you should do it
Emma: It's the only way
[Emma presses her hands on a portal that opens a realm to a sprit world]
Nathan: It's time
[Nathan and his team all starts running and then they appear as the creature]
Emma: What the
Nathan: It's time to destroy The Chosen One and everything good in this world
Diego: No
[Diego and Max led a bunch kanays into battle]
[Emma then spots her bottle of powers in the center of the battle field and starts running]
Andi: Em what are you doing
Katie: Sophie let's help
Jessie: Dad I'm scared
Jake: You're the one with powers Honey I should be scared now go with Andi and the other Wits
Ethan: This is to crazy
Emily: What's crazy is that
Ethan: Jessie is not crazy she smart and kind and I kinda
Emily: don't say it
Ethan: Like her
Emily: I'm telling mom that you want to date the Chosen One's ex boyfriend sister after this is all over
Gracie: Luke say to gather all the Wits
Sean: He and his uncle are gonna make us chant some really powerful spell
Jessie: That's so cool
Ethan: Jessie can tell you something
Jessie: Not now we have to hurry
[ When Emma grabs her powers she is then sent to a parallel universe]
Daniel: Back at your house I thought
[Emma watches on]
Emma: Let just be together and hope the council leaves us alone
Daniel: I'll make sure they do its why you chose right
Emma: I chose because you are and always be my first lover
[Demma Kiss]
Daniel: I'll meet you later for our date
Emma: Wait let dry us off
[Emma dries half of them]
Emma: that was weird
Daniel: you need time to get your powers back
Emma: see you later Danny
[Emma then gets transported back to present day]
Andi: Emma where did you go
Emma: To a world where Jax didn't get picked
[Nathan while Emma is distracted grabs her powers and pours it on him he then takes everyone else in the realm powers away but the kanays]
Nathan: It's too late Kanays you have no power that can stop me I'm the last wizard standing
Emma: What
[Emma then gets knocks out and blasted into a wall]
Andi: Emma looks like you're up now
Emma: Why are you wearing a black and gray jumpsuit
Andi: You wearing one too
Emma: Why
Andi: We're prisoners and servants to Nathan
Emma: What
Andi: After you knocked out Nathan made sure he had everyone's powers and turned us into slaves if you think that's bad we on foot massage duty
Emma: Eww
Andi: I just can't believe this is how it all ends
Emma: What do you mean
Andi: At the end of the day Nathan is gonna use the crystal on all of mankind
Emma: WHAT
Andi: But I have a question what the hex happened to Hex
Emma: Nathan kidnapped him and uses him as a footstool
Andi: Well let's go get our haircuts
Emma: We have to cut our hair
Andi: Nathan rule is it has to be up to your shoulders
Emma: But I love my hair
Andi: I hoped you enjoyed it on your head cause most of its gonna be on the floor
[After cuts]
Maddie: My hair
Diego: It actually looks cute
Maddie: No it doesn't
Diego: You know I love you matter what
Maddie: But tell me the secret about Max
Diego: It turns out that Max is........
Nathan: Diego make me a smoothie
Diego: Yes sir
Evil Emma: Maddie do my hair
Maddie: Uhhh
[Emma and Max]
Max: Umm Emma there's a secret you should know
Emma: What
Max: I'm Jax's long lost twin brother
Emma: What then why are you a kanay
Max: I'm not I just traded being a wizard to being a kanay until I turned 18 my time is almost up
Emma: Does Jax know
Max: He found out just before he gave up his life for me Diego and Tony
Emma: Well what happened why were you in the bad realm
Max: They believed I was a true kanay and that's how me and him got split from each other
Emma: So Jake took Jax's memories of you
Max: and Liana'
Emma: This is all so sudden
Liana: Your test is today
Max: Ok mommy
Ryan: Young boy would you like to be turned into a kanay
Max: Sure
Max(voiceover) So young and stupid
Jake: Max why did you just throw a fireball
Max: I'm a kanay
Jake: This is bad
Jax: Dad where's Max going
Jake: Huh
Ryan: He's coming with me
Jake: Noo
Liana: Max
Jax: Max
Max: Jax
Jake: This bad
Emma: We need to stop Nathan
Max: Totally
Emma: I can't live with myself knowing that he saved me
[Andi and Tony]
Tony: Andi I'm not feeling well I think I need to rest can you cover for me
Andi: What's wrong now
Tony: I feel really weak right now
Andi: Hey look at me after tonight I'll never see you again
Tony: We only have 7 hours left
Andi: I'll miss you
[Ethan and Jessie]
Ethan: Jessie I wanted to tell you something
Jessie: Yea
Ethan: I really like you and you know that end of our lives prom tonight I was wondering if you would like me to ask you to the prom
Jessie: Here's my answer
[Jessie pulls Ethan in a kiss]
[That night]
Maddie: I'll miss you to much
Katie: I can't believe it all ends with us being strike and ceasing to exist
Sophie: I never even got married
Diego: I'll always love you guys no matter what
Emma: Guys we only have 10 minutes left
Maddie: We know
Luke: Andi who's that
Andi: My boyfriend Tony
Luke: Nathan made a clone of me to trick you
Andi: Clone or not I like Tony nothing you do or say can change that
Nathan: Everyone lineup right now
Emma: Andi Now
Andi: Emma I can't Tony is sick
Nathan: Say your goodbyes now
Tony: Andi
Andi: I can't lose you again
[Just as Andi thinks Tony is about to die His body rises up and he strikes a dark green color streak across the room]
Nathan: This can't be true
Tony: What's happening to me
Nathan: Tony is related to the first Wizard Merlin
Emma: What
[A bright light shines in Nathan's hands to then combines all the crystal from the magic realm]
Nathan: This is gonna end you all in one hit
Emma: No this will end you
[Emma is holding a special crystal that holds the magic realm magic]
Nathan: But this will remove  your memories of your little wizard
Emma: No
Tony: Emma I can't control it
Nathan then steals the Crystal and strikes it
[A bright light]
[Everyone lays breathless on the floor]
Tony: Gasps I did it
[Everyones powers are returned but Emma's]
Nathan: Grrr
[Nathan tries to jump Emma and Tony]
Merlin: Nathan back off
Nathan: Oh my God
Emma: Merlin
Tony: I'm a wizard yeah I'm a wizard
[Nathan tries to kill Merlin but his powers vanished and Merlin impales him with the Crystal]
Nathan: Nooo ahhhhh
[All of his work was wiped clean]
Mrs. Foiler: No my son wait I'm melting
Andi: Oh yea you are
Emma: Noo
Andi: What
[Andi walks over to Emma and sees Jax's lifespan realizing Emma could've saved him]
Emma: Nooo Nooo
[Emma throws herself on the floor]
Fransisco: Emma what is happening
[The council wipe his memory clean]
Maddie: Guys Tony saved us
Aggy: Well hold a celebration tomorrow night
Everyone but Emma: Woah
[Evening as the party is about to start]
Emma: Hey. I thought you'd like this more than roses. [Places down keys to dirt bike]
Thanks for Everything these past years. Nathan ... he's... he's gone now. It's done. So I hope you're in a better place. (Voice breaking) I know I should be happy about that... but it just feels like now you're really gone and there's nothing left to do but just... (Sobbing) Ohh. I miss you.
Andi:  I hope we never again have a year like this.
Emma: Me, too, Andi.
Andi: I know what you're thinking, and this is not your fault.
Emma:I just want to say goodbye alone if that's okay.
Andi: (Sighs) See you at Tony's Party.
Voice: Emma?
[ Thinking its Max Emma turns around and gets a surprise]
Emma: Jax ?
[Before Jax has a moment to speak Emma pulls him in for a long kiss and Jax kisses her back]
Emma: Wh... how are you here?
Jax: Merlin... He must have sent me back (Laughs) as a reward of the defeat of Nathan
Emma: Ah! I mean, what?!
Jax: Merlin, you know, the first wizard, the most powerful...
Emma: I don't care. I don't care how you're here. I'm just glad you're here.
Jax : (Sighs) So are you. I'm so happy you're all right.
Emma: Jax lets get going
Jax: Where
Emma: To Tony's party he saved us all
Jax: Then what are we waiting for
[Party Entrance]
Emma: What do you think everyone's gonna say
Jax: Does it matter come on Em Our love is stronger than any comments
Emma: It is huh
Jax: You know it
[Jax holds Emma's hand and they walk into the party]
Everyone: Jax
Tony: Dude how are you here
Diego: Buddy how are you even alive we thought you were dead
Jax: I'll answer all those questions later but don't we have a party to have fun
Maddie: Woah Diego I'm glad we found Kanays for you
Diego: I'm glad you and me made it out alive together
Maddie: Together
[Miego Kiss]
Jax: Got a surprise for you Em
Emma: What
Jax: when I had to change for you I wrote you this song I'm gonna perform it well me and The Sharks
[Please Note this Song is Say You Like Me by We The Kings]
She's the girl that no one ever knows.
And I say hi, but she's too shy to say hello.
She's just waiting for that one to take her hand
And shake her up.
I bet I could.

Every Witch Way Season 5Where stories live. Discover now