The Truth Hurts

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     Ryan: You think I can forget what you did I only freed you from the spell so I can see the real you one more time before I destroy you and your family
Jake: Not if I can stop you
[Jake casts a spell to freeze Ryan]
Jessie: Dad you saved us how you know when to come
Jax: I have a sixth sense my family sense
Liana: Jake it's so good to see you again
Jake: Liana it's really you
Jax: You know about the spell
Jake: I tried to undo it but since it was a spell from the chosen one it couldn't be undo but when Emma took your mom's powers it undid the spell
Liana: Jake you saved me and our kids I love you
Jake: I love you
[ Jake and Liana then Kiss but Jax covers him and Jessie's eyes]
Emma: Hmm I miss her but how'd she get sick
[A spirit of Maria then appears to Emma and mouths something]
Emma: I can't hear you
[Maria reaches out and Emma reaches out but Emma is then blasted on her bed and passes out]
Diego: Maddie we searched for weeks no sign of them
Maddie: I want to find them for you
Diego: It's Okay
Maddie: I wanna make things right between witches and kanays
Diego: I love that you care
[Emma and her Dad]
Emma: Huh
Dad: Are you okay you look hurt and you passed out
Emma: Mom I saw her
Dad:You okay
Emma: I need too go
Emma: To talk with three important people
[The council and Emma]
Emma: You guys knew her the best you can at least tell how she got sick
Jake: I knew your mother  she was a very lovely lady it was so sad to see her go
Emma: How'd she get sick
[ The council exchange looks]
Desdemona: She just did looks like we're gonna be late for lunch
Emma: Lily please
Lily: Emma we just don't know
Jake: We think it might effect you too much
Emma: I want to know
Lily: After you know you don't want to know
Emma: I don't care
Desdemona: Fine the truth is my fool moon me kidnapped her but kanays kidnapped her and teleported out to different realm and we gave you a clone but we poisoned the clone.
[Emma then breaks into tears]
Emma: How could you do this to me I watched her died and I believed she was gone this whole time to found out my whole life was a lie and that you made me and my father gone through all of this.
Lily: We warned
Emma: What realm is it
Desdemona: The Bad Realm filled of Evil creatures, and dark witches and wizards
Emma: I'm gonna find her and bring her back to me but first
[Emma casts a spell to wiped out any living kanay other than Mia and Diego]
Jake: What did you do
Emma: Just cleaned my room from the distance
[Emma walks out with a angry look on her face]
Jax and Andi: You need us to what
Emma: Go with me to The Bad Realm
Jax and Andi: WHAT
Jax: That place is where all the bad witches and wizards go after limbo or after being crush in The Abyss they're left to rot and wallow in self pity they probably kidnapped your mom because they hoped she would give them her power
Andi: Why do we have to go
Emma: I need all the backup I can get plus it can't be weekend of me and the panthers and Diego and Tony
Andi: Tony ?
Emma: Forget To tell you guys he came back from the Magic Academy Jax you know him right
Jax: Yeah of course he was a shark with us
Emma: Thank you CB
Jax: What
[Friday Morning]
Jax: Diego you sure I can drive this can I tweak it a bit
Diego: Sure no Gigi she broke her camera and is in a state of depression now
Jax: Sweet
Diego: Dude I know right I haven't hear her blog in a week
Jax: This isn't an Ocean Tide so make me a sweet Ride
Diego: A tv a pool a hotel room styled rooms a food bar a slide and a movie theater
Jax: let's look at how big this Rv is now
Diego: Looks like a mansion on wheels
Andi: What happened to the family Rv
Diego: Jax tweaked it a bit
Emma: A bit
Maddie: I love it
Katie: I'm watching all the Twilight Movies back to back see you guys later
Sophie: Andi lets train in the pool
Andi: great idea
Tony: It's too good to be back
Andi: Tony train with me and Soph
Tony: You I'm gonna get caught up on what's happened while I was gone
Emma: Where do I start
[Friday Night]
Jax:We're crossing the Magical Barrier
Maddie: Finally I'm so tired
Katie: Sorry for using all the tissues
Andi: This is so cool
Jax: We're here
Emma I think we should start our quest in the morning I'm going to my room
[Emma's Dream]
Emma: Mom
Maria: Help me
Emma: Mom
Maria: Tell Diego what you did
[Andi's Dream
Andi: Tony I like you
Tony: I like you too
Andi: Tony's who's that
[Masked man in Red Coat walks towards them]
[Jax's dream]
Emma: Jax I need you to kiss me under the sunset and stars
Jax: I will for you
Emma: Can I trust you
Jax: Yes
[emma falls off a cliff]
Emma: why didn't you save me
Jax: I'm sorry
Emma: Daniel thanks for saving me from the last light
Jax: I saved you
Daniel: I love you
[Demma Kiss]
[Jax wakes up to see a circle of memories of Daniel and stands up to get blasted on the floor]
Jax: I remember
[Later in the day]
Jax: Ema we need to talk
Emma: About What
Jax: This Daniel Guy
Emma: Oh no
Jax: You lied to me about everything
Emma: I'm sorry I didn't think you would've wanted to know
Jax: Because you didn't trust me
Emma: Yes I mean no
Jax: We talk later about this
Andi: Trouble in paradise I see
Emma: You think Jax's has his memories of Daniel back
Andi: Can I tell you something
Emma: Anything
Andi: There's this guy
Emma: Oooo
Andi: I really like him I think he's funny, cute, smart, cares about his friends and never lets anyone down]
[In background Emma sees Tony doing everything Andi is talking about]
[Tony makes a joke that makes everyone laugh]
[Tony pulls back his hair]
[Tony makes a map of possible places to find kanays and Emma's Mom]
[Tony tells Diego they will find kanays]
Emma: OMG Andi you like Tony
Andi: Maybe
Emma: That's so sweet
Andi: As your best friend plz don't tell him as a friend tell him and crush you
Emma: I won't tell him I wanna see if your brave enough to tell him yourself
Andi: Just give till the end of this weekend
Maddie: This map Tony made helped is leading us to a kanay hut
Diego: Wait outside for me
Jax: Dude tell me what you find
Jax: Dude what happened
Diego: These kanays had a spell casted on them and now they're dead
Maddie: Diego I'm sorry but who would this
[Emma looks away
Sophie: Maybe Witches did this
Katie: It couldn't be it had to be someone powerful enough
Jax: This spell residue is from the The Chosen One but not my Emma
Tony: Maybe it was the principal
Emma: It was me I destroyed the last kanays
Everyone: WHAT

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