What will it be like

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Emma: What do you think it will be like

Jax: I'm not sure but I know as long as we have each other it will be alright

[Jax and Emma kiss]

♪ I promise not to let you down ♪ ♪ To always keep you safe and sound ♪ ♪ I promise you ♪ ♪ I'll chase the monsters ♪ ♪ From your closet before bed ♪ ♪ And gently sing you to sleep ♪ ♪ Emma's song ♪ ♪ You're the light in my eye ♪ ♪ Emma's song ♪ ♪ You bring joy to my life ♪♪

Emma: Jax I want you to know this

Jax: What

[ The lockers then open to pull them both in]

Jax: Emma!

Emma: Jax!

Agamemnon: Would you two stop screaming

Desdemona: We summon you guys because we have news

Emma: What is it?

Agamemnon: I'm heading to the Wits Academy to be the new headmaster

Emma: YOU ARE?

Jax: Who will replace you in on the council

Agamemnon: Your father

Agamemnon: Well I must go

[Agamemnon disappears from the council office]

Jax: My dad ?

[Lily walks in the room holding a frog]

Emma: Lily why are you holding a frog?

Lily: It's Coach Julio

Emma: What are you doing with him?

Lily: The council including me agreed to turn him back into a human

Jax: What's with the frog

Emma: I'll turn him back I don't want him to be a log or a frog.

[The frog turns into a bird ]

Jax: Birds!!

Emma: It will bring me great joy to turn Julio into a boy

[Julio turns into a little boy with a lolliypop]

Maddie: Proxy I hate being outside without changing my shoes

Diego: Maddie come on it's just a walk on the beach

Maddie: Next time will walk into the mall

Diego: Isn't this romantic

Maddie I guess so Proxy I'm hungry

Diego: What I am suppose to do you have powers that can give you whatever you want

Maddie: I'm not a mate so turn that table into a picnic date

[ A table at the beach turns into a picnic with food]

Diego- Maddie this is so sweet

[Emma's house]

Mr. Alonso: She grabbed me and kissed me

Emma: EWWW

Mr. Alonso: So what happen to Andi

Emma: uhh well she got into the school of her dreams

Mr. Alonso: She did what's the school's name

[Emma turns looks a a stove and then the door]

Emma: Stovedoor High

Mr. Alonso: I'm getting called into a meeting see you later

[A knock on the door]

Emma: Jax! you look sad what's wrong

Jax: I miss Jessie much already but I don't want to mess with her training

Emma: Aww Jax that's sweet I heard that she is wit to Andi

Jax: Your telling me Andi Cruz is her guardian

Emma: Yes

Jax: That must be bad for Jessie

Emma: Jax!

Jax: got to go to the airport

Emma: why

Jax: I'm picking up Philip

Emma: Your what !

Jax: You heard right Philip is coming back to Miami my dad said he can live with us if he doesn't eat any objects.

Emma: Philip wow!

Jax: bye

Emma: no wait I wanna come

Jax: come along then

[ The school next day]

Jax: Philip promise me you won't eat anyone now your human

Philip: Philip won't eat people

[Philip then hugs Jax]

Jax: Don't hug other people though and why do you smell like pizza

Philip: Diego let me have some from the seven this morning

Jax: go to class now your late

[Jax turns casts a spell to give him a leather jacket with his outfit]

Gigi: Hey guys look like our shark Andi has left the school and looks like Maddie Van Pelt is our student body president and we have a returning student Philip back but looks like he grew out of the zombie makeup now he is so cute. Miss Information signing off.

[Mia then walks into the principal's office and Emma then notices her]

Emma: Mia what is she doing here

[Daniel then walks into the room and the two share the look they had when they first met]

Daniel: Emily what are you doing here

Emma: It's Emma

Daniel: why do I keep getting that wrong

Emma: Daniel what are you doing here?

Daniel: my family is building a new animal shelter so we moved here we live in a house across 111 ponce de Leon the people there moved.

Emma: Well good to see that you live across from my house.

A another new girl with her brother who has a kanay mark but nobody notices and then she casts a spell. It's reveal that the two are witches and wizards who are also kanays.

Every Witch Way Season 5Where stories live. Discover now