A new Philip

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Jax: Emma I got my powers let me help you

[Mal blasts Jax into the water and he passes out]

[Diego tosses Maddie her powers and dives back into the water to save Jax]

[Emma gets her powers and casts a spell to make Mal's feet stick to the ground]

Emma: Jax!

Liam: Maddie you don't have to do this

Maddie: Katie was right I can't trust you

Emma: Diego is he okay

Diego: Uhhh should I do Cpr

Emma: let me cast a spell

Diego: That's better than me doing Cpr

Emma: I need you to see that your going to be okay and wake for me

[Jax coughs out water]

[Emma with tears in her eyes]

Emma: I thought I loss you for a second

Mal: Your gonna lose him pretty soon you didn't pay the price for the magic to save him

Emma: What price

Liam: Don't you guys know

Mal and Liam: All Magic Comes With A Price

Emma: I've never had to pay a price for magic

Mal: Liam we got our powers let's steal other witches out here powers'

Liam: Agree

Emma: Jax I'm sorry that we had a fight

Jax: About that Emma it wasn't me it was my father

Emma: I don't care I'm glad I'm here with you

Jax: can we go over to the waterfall over there and talk

Emma: kind of like a date

Jax: close your eyes

[Jax casts a spell to make them appear behind the waterfall and make foods appear in front of them]

Jax: Open them

Emma: Jax this is amazing I love you

Jax: I love you too

[Jax and Emma kiss]

Maddie: Diego I'm sorry we broke up and that I went out with Liam

Diego: Yeah it's okay see you later

[Maddie then realizes Diego doesn't want to get back together decides to clean herself up and go home]


Mal: Liam we still don't have enough magic we need Emma's power

Liam: How about we take someone who's power is just a strong as Emma

Mal: Like who

Mal: Emma Swan

Liam: Hmmm but she is the savior

Mal: Actually we can't yet she going to the underworld and if we followed her we see a lot people who don't want to see our little faces again.

[Philip, Emma, and Jax]

Philip: I want to be known as Tyson Fuccinelli

Jax: Philip you know if me and Emma cast this spell  only us will remember you as Philip

Philip: I got it

Emma: You sure you want us to do this

Philip: Yep

Emma and Jax:  It will bring me great joy to turn Philip into another boy

[Philip is now known as Tyson Fuccinelli]

Every Witch Way Season 5Where stories live. Discover now