No matter what

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     Emma: It was me I destroyed the last kanays
Everyone: WHAT
Diego: Emma why'd you do this
Emma: They took my mom
[Diego is angry and upset so he runs off]
Jax: I thought you were better than this dude wait up Maddie come on
Maddie: I should've let the zombies eat you in that game
Andi: What you do really hurt Diego Emma I'm sorry but you're on your own
Katie: And you call yourself a chosen one
Sophie: She's a mean witch
Katie: Soph lets go
Tony: I don't know what to say you're not the Emma I remember
[The Group without Emma]
Maddie: Do you guys mind if we talk alone
Katie: Text me Mads
Maddie: I know it must hard I'm sorry
Diego: It's just that a chance to meet others like was a great opportunity to jump start a new line of kanays
Maddie:Diego  I want to to know that no matter what I love you and always will
Diego: I love you too Maddie
[Miego Hug]
Tony: She's different she's not shy or unconfident anymore
Jax: I'll talk to her later
Andi: Looks likes its us and the panthers
Katie: Not anymore me and Sophie are gonna watch a movie in the Rv
Sophie: We're watching a movie called Liar Liar Vampire
Andi: Now it's just you and me
Tony: While I was gone your all I could think about
Andi: Me
Tony: I need to tell you something important
Andi: What
Tony: I really ...
Jax: Guys I don't who but someone threw a fireball at me
Diego: Really this is great lets go after them
Maddie: Glad I wore my running shoes
Tony: let's go with them
[Andi thought to herself dang it]
Tony: Before we join them I have to do this
[Tony runs up to Andi and kisses her]
Tony: Now let's go
Jax: Over there in the bush
Diego: You two cast a spell
Jaddie: They're moving in a breeze so let them freeze
Boy: Stop it
Diego: Who are you
Boy: my name is Henry
Diego: I'm a kanay like yo u
Henry: I need your help to bring back my tribe
Diego: Maddie and Jax try to reverse what Emma did
Jax: we can't only the chosen one can
Maddie: talk to her
Jax brb
Jax: Emma we need to talk
Emma: Yes we do
Jax: you have bring them back
Emma: they took my mom away from
Jax: And you took my rightful memories away from me
Emma: So memories are forgotten but family isn't
Jax: I believed my mom was dead for a long time so I know how to feel
Emma: I watched her die in bed
Jax: Emma we'll find her but first he have to bring back the kanay
Emma: They caused me my pain
Jax: What's causing me pain is seeing your heart filled with darkness
Emma: how come our memories of Mal and Liam and the battle is a blur what happened to the other kanays
Jax: You're right like Avery the kanay leader
Emma: I got rid of them like a smack so bring the kanays back
[A kanay then grabs of hold and Emma and Jax]
Emma: Eww he smells ripe
Diego: Let them go
Andi: What's going on
Emma: Aww you and Tony are holding hands
Kanay: Wait your Maria's daughter you're a splitting image of her
Emma:You know my mom
Kanay: Heck yeah she was legend she was The Chosen One but she's gone
Emma: What happened to her
Kanay: She left one night sleepwalking and saying the name Emma
[The Bad realm shakes and her volcano is near]
[For a split second Andi sees a person in a red coat with a red mask on the top of a volcano looking at her]
Andi: Look lava is pouring out
Emma: But my mom she has to be here somewhere
[Tony sees the man come up to blast Andi and jumps in the way]
Andi: Tony
Emma: Who are you
Man:you'll see me again Andi Cruz and you Emma Alonso
Masked Woman: Emma
Emma: Yes
[Woman hugs her]
Emma: Lava is coming and do I know you
Woman: I would think you would remember your own mother
Emma: Mom
Jax: Emma we need to leave not so we all don't melt to death in lava wait this is your mom
Emma: mom what happened to you
Maria: Long story but how did you know where to find me
Emma: I asked The Council
Diego: Is it true that kanays kidnapped you
Maria: No kanays saved me from Mrs. Torres hope you never met her
Emma: We have some much to catch up
[Jax teleports everyone to the Rv]
Maria: I've missed you but let's sit down a talk we need to catch with each other
[Next Morning]
Emma: And they we found you
Maria: You lived a interesting life but I can't believe you were gonna try to bring me back it didn't work cause I was still alive it would've worked the first time
[Back in Miami]
Emma: What should we do about Dad
Maria: How about a memory wiping spell so he can forget about my death
[Emma then gives her Mother a big hug]
Emma: Gotta go help Andi with her date
Maria: Emma I'm proud of you that you grew up to become a great young lady
Emma: Thanks See You Later
[At Andi's House]
Andi: What should I do with my hair should it be up or down
Emma: What do you think
Andi: Down
Emma: Speaking of dates guess where Jax's is taking me
Andi: I got nothing spill
Emma: Fuccinelli's
Andi: That's cool what are you gonna wear
Emma: A leather jacket with this cute dress I got
Andi: Ooo someone is going dark
Emma: When me and E switched it was really comfortable I can't wait to surprise him with it
Andi: How do you think I look
Emma: Cute text me all the details later gotta go
Andi: Thanks Emma for being the best friend a Cruz could ask for
Tony: You look beautiful
Andi: You did all of this for me
Tony: I would do anything for you
Andi: Thanks no guy has done anything like this for me
Tony: I really like you Andi always have and always will
Andi: I really like you too
Jax: Emma are you feeling okay
Emma: You like it
Jax: Love the person wearing it more
Emma: Wow this stuff is expensive
Jax: I'm paying
Emma: Wanna get some pizza at the 7
Jax: This food was too fancy
[At the 7]
Jax: How does feels to have a mom again
Emma: Feels incredible it gives me a feeling that I only have when I'm with you
Jax: I love that you make me smile
[Jemma Kiss]
Masked Man: I will always find you Andi Cruz

Every Witch Way Season 5Where stories live. Discover now