TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Five

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He wasn't a friendly visitor that I was sure of, watching his curiously a wicked grin snuck up onto his lips as he cradled his arms over his chest as you would a baby before laughing and turning back into the woods.

Nicole gasped at his gesture as I stared in shock, was he seriously threatening Colton who just so happened to not be with us. Beginning to shake softly, I saw Nicole's eyes begin to change, I knew what was happening, it had happened to Seth in front of me on many occasions, but Nicole's was drawn from anger and that I had yet to see, I wasn't sure how quickly the change was going to take over . "He just threatened my baby," Nicole gasped, her breathing quicker than normal. "I've got to go..."

I nodded, "I agree, I won't fight it, but hold it together so we can leave my house first," I encouraged as I held onto her arm and led her out of my bedroom as Mel grabbed my bag off the bed and followed behind us.

Playing it off as normally as possible, the moment we stepped out of the house Nicole's body began shaking more, Nick joined us as we got to the truck and was completely confused by Nicole's loss of control over a quick trip into my house.

"Where were you!?" I exclaimed, loosing my hold on Nicole as she wiggled out of my hold and started running towards the tree, her transformation taking over almost instantly, a light brown wolf emerging from her small frame as she quickly disappeared into the trees.

Nick seemed lost, "What happened?" He wondered.

I let out a frustrated groan, "A man stood outside of my bedroom window and basically threatened Colton, and now Nicole is seeing red, I need you to follow her, she can't be alone she'll get into trouble on her own," I ordered. Nick was torn between listening to Seth's orders of watching me and my order of following Nicole. I knew he was near protesting, "Please, she'll get herself killed," I begged softly.

Nodding, Nick turned on his heels and began running to the trees, letting his transformation take over as well as me and Mel climbed into the truck and hauled ass back to the pack house.

Running into the house, I was surprised to find the place quite silent, starling Amanda as she sat in the living room with a book in her lap, "Corey, what's wrong?" She asked concerned as I looked around the room frantically.

"Where's Colton?!" I wondered.

Amanda stood to her feet, "I put him down an hour ago...What happened?" She asked.

Before responding, I turned and ran up the steps towards Nicole's bedroom, barging through the door feeling myself nearly collapse with joy at the sight of Colton sleeping in his crib. Amanda was quick behind me, her concern bleeding through her eyes as she watched me carefully, "A man was outside my house- he cradled his arms like a baby-Amanda, Nicole's out there trying to find him. She took it as a threat..." I explained softly.

Gasping, Amanda took in my words and stepped forwards carefully picking up Colton as he slept in her arms, I could tell she wasn't planning on setting him down any time soon after that news, her eyes catching Mel's as she joined us in the bedroom.

"She isn't alone is she?" Amanda asked softly.

I shook my head, "I sent Nick after her, I know Seth will be furious I sent my protection after Nicole, but I'd rather that, when me and Mel were able to climb into the truck and head straight here. Is there any way to get ahold of Seth while he's on patrol?" I asked softly.

Sighing, Amanda shook her head, "Not unless we send someone to trail them and tell him personally, do you think it's serious?" She wondered softly.

We had walked down the stairs mid conversation and I had a bad feeling about everything that was happening, especially since Seth said they were planning on going off pack lines tonight, it would seem like the perfect opportunity for something within pack lines.

That Butt Naked Godly Being Has A Brother.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon