Car Trouble

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Somewhere between pulling into the Mikaelson's driveway and telling Isabel to shut up numerous times Isabel had gone unconscious.

"Crap." Caroline mumbled, she got out of the car, closing the door behind her with a bang and opening the other side. She carried Isabel to the door and knocked, waiting for someone to answer. "Come on, come on." She spoke as she tapped her foot in frustration. Finally Rebekah answered the door, she frowned when she saw Caroline, her expression changed when she saw Isabel in her arms, a wide smile grew.

"You killed her! That was supposed to be Kol's job but obviously he was having some trouble." Rebekah said quite excitedly, Caroline sighed and shook her head.

"She's not dead, but she will be if one of you don't help her." Caroline began, she showed Rebekah the bite on Isabel's shoulder. "Please, Rebekah, please help her." Rebekah scoffed.

"Why should I? What has that tart ever done to deserve my help?" Caroline knew she would be stuck for an answer to that question. What had Isabel ever done to help someone else? Nothing, even thought she was trying to help Isabel, she was at a loss.

"Go get Klaus." Caroline ordered, Rebekah was about to reply but Caroline stopped her. "Now!" She shouted at the original. Rebekah glared at Caroline for a moment or two and Caroline returned it.

"Niklaus!" Rebekah called, not taking her eyes off Caroline. "Come down here, there's someone who wants to see you." Rebekah moved to walk away but stoppe and looked back for a second. "Good luck trying to get him to help her." Then she was gone. Klaus appeared in front of Caroline seconds later with a smile on his face.

"Ah, Caroline, what a pleasure." He started, then looked at Isabel in her hands. "What is this?" He demanded. Caroline walked into the house and passed Klaus heading towards the sofa. She placed Isabel on the sofa and turned to look at Klaus who was slowly walking closer to her.

"Tyler bit her, and I was hoping-"

"You were hoping I'd save her?" Klaus guessed followed by a scoff.

"Well, granted you weren't my first choice but seeing as Elijah isn't anywhere to be found I thought, What better idea than to ask you." Caroline explained, Klaus laughed slightly, it came across as a light chuckle.

"And you thought I would actually help her?"

"Yes, I thought you would help her for, well, for," Caroline couldn't get the words out of her mouth, Klaus raised an eyebrow in confusion. "For me." She finished. Klaus didn't think he heard her properly and was tempted to ask her to repeat what she had said. Would he really do it for her? He would do anything for her, but would he really go so far as to save his enemies.

"Why come to me? You have Kol, why not go to him for help?" Klaus wondered aloud, Caroline looked at him.

"Because Kol is, and I quote myself, a hormonal bastard! He doesn't know what he wants, one minute he loves her, the next he's handing her over to you for you to kill her." She explained, she was getting inpatient and Isabel's clock was ticking.

"And what makes you so sure I won't kill her now, or let her die?"

"Because you wouldn't do that to me, you wouldn't hurt me like that." She answered in a hushed tone, Klaus moved towards her and a smile grew on his face.

"You're so sure of your decision, it will forever boggle me as to why you trust me so much." He told her honestly, she shrugged and smiled.

"Guess I must be a great judge of character." She mumbled shyly, he placed his hand on her cheek.

"Yes, I'm sure that's it." He said with a hint of sarcasm. They looked into each others eyes for a few moments, neither one doing anything when Caroline suddenly remembered Isabel. She pulled away from him and walked back over to where the brunette lay.

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