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"What are... What? I thought you were dead?" Cara choked out, still in shock that the man she was so terrified of what right in front of her.

"First of all, Cara, you can relax, I'm not going to hurt you, I have no need to and secondly, I was never dead. But I'm here now, as is Rebekah and Kol, which I figure you didn't notice either." Elijah explained, Cara frowned.

"Where is Kol? Is he here?" She asked angrily, Elijah looked behind him seeming to be checking whether or not he was home.

"No, I'm afraid not, why? What did my foolish brother do this time." Elijah asked, slight disappointment and amusment in his voice.

"He tried to kill Isabel, yes, Isabel is here with me in Mystic Falls, I'm positive you've heard of her." Cara asked with a smirk as she seen the momentary flash of fear on his face but he quickly covered it up with a cough.

"Well, then you should have nothing to worry about Kol then, he doesn't know what you are, does Isabel know about us?"

"Yes, but she doesn't know how to kill you, not that I was going to tell her or anything, but she's gone to try kill Kol." Cara said in a panic, Elijah gave her a curious look.

"You two are basically invincable, like us, what makes you so worried about Isabel going after my brother?" Elijah asked, Cara sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Because he's close to figuring out how to kill us and there were TWO stakes last time I checked, now there's only ONE. I shouldn't be telling you this but I think someone from your family took it, either you or Katerina." Cara explained, Elijah's face changed somehow when she mentioned Katerina.

"My Katerina... She's here?" Elijah gasped out, Cara raised an eyebrow.

"Your Katerina, since when is she yours and yes, she's back in Mystic Falls because of her stupid doppelganger." Cara told him, Elijah was about to say something else when she cut him off. "I'm sorry I really have to go find Izzy, I forgot! Thank you for the help, goodbye!" Cara turned around when she felt a hand grab her arm, fear shot through her once more.

"It was nice to see you again, Cara." He told her then the hand went away and she heard the door close, after a few seconds she remembered Isabel and ran away.

Isabel was currently walking around the streets of Mystic Falls waiting for Kol to jump out of nowhere and attack her, it wasn't working, but she didn't know whether or not he was around.

"Oh, Kol! Come out , come out wherever you are!" She yelled, after that she heard a faint sound coming from the bushes next to her and smirked. "Kol, you know I can't kill you, and you know you can't kill me so what are you hiding for? I mean I know I'm a big bad vampire and all but come on, so are you." She taunted some more, the noise of footsteps came to her ears but then stopped a good distance away. "Come on, Kol, take a risk, I know you've taken them before, take another one. Come at me, hit me, kick me, bite me, try hurt me, you know you want to." Soon she saw a shadow a good distance ahead of her. "Fight me you wimp!" She whispered, the shadow went back into the darkness and she rolled her eyes and mumbled 'idiot' under her breath. She turned to go home only to come face to face with Kol he wasn't looking too happy.

"Haven't you ever heard of politness, darling?" He growled and she thought about it.

"I have heard of it, but it never really appealed to me." She answered with her signiture smirk, he hissed at her, fangs showing and punched her in the stomach. She was taken aback by the impact but quickly recovered, she grabbed his jacket and pushed him up against the wall pressing him to it as she took out a stake.

'I don't know how to kill you but I'll be damned if you're getting away without a scratch on you this time!" She growled and stabbed him, he roared in pain, she just laughed. She was about to stap him again but he grabbed the stake out of her hand and kicked her away. He aimed at her heart and she grabbed his arm, trying to stop his arm from getting any further. He got closer to her, bringing the stake closer to her also, she never thought she'd ever find a vampire as strong as her so this was a challenge for her. Eventually he lost grip of the stake so she let go of his arm but because he was putting all of his strength on her arm he ended up falling on top of her. He growled and sat up trying to punch her, she grabbed his hands and shot forward making him hit the ground and her sit on top of him. She hissed and her fangs came out, and wrapped her hands around his neck he grabbed her hands and pulled her face down to him. They stared into each others' eyes for a split second, not knowing what to do, but Isabel snapped out of it and bit him. He growled and she pulled away with a wide grin.

"Wow, Original blood doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would." She commented, he wasn't in the mood for joking and went in to bite her, his fangs barely brushed against her neck when she was pulled off and he was stabbed with a dagger. He went unconscious and Isabel looked up to see who had helped her and was about to attack them for interrupting until she seen the angry yet worried face of Cara.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" She shouted in anger, Isabel rarely ever heard her sister curse so it was a bit of a surprise. "You know what I know what you were doing, acting before you think. Do you realize what could of happened if he had of bitten you!?" Cara asked frantically, Isabel just shook her head in frustration.

"I had him, I was about to stab him with this before he bit me!" Isabel shouted to her sister while holding up the stake that she stabbed Kol with earlier. "Wait, what happens if he bites me?" She asked with a curious look.

"If an Original bites one of us then we'll get poisoned, we'd need the blood of a Witch to heal us, a powerful Witch and good luck trying to find one of them. Every single witch knows who we are and they hate us, even Bennet! If we don't get cured, we die, simple as that" Cara explained, Isabel's eyes widened.

"So there's two things that can kill us and that bitch is one of them!?" Isabel shouted and pointed over to where Kol was lying on the floor... or supposed to be. He was gone, Isabel and Cara looked around in fright.

"Come on, let's get home before he regains the strength to attack both of us." Cara suggested and Isabel nodded as they ran to their house, but as Isabel ran she could of sworn she saw Kol smirking from the shadows. He was going to be the death of her, no pun intended.

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