Never a dull moment

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 Isabel knew she only had about five seconds to get herself out of this, she could either threaten one of his siblings or make him take pity on her, so for the sake of her life she went with the second option.

 "Please, please, I'm begging you don't!" Isabel pleaded with him, he paused and looked at her, she was crying. "I swear I won't do anything to hurt any of you, I'll leave you all alone, I won't even look at either of you ever again, just please, don't bite me." Kol sighed and looked over at his siblings. Elijah nodded to say let her go but Rebekah shook her head telling him to do it any get it over with. Kol knew he wasn't going to come to a decision with them two, he looked back at the sad and worry some face of Isabel. He looked deep into her eyes, looking for any trace of mischief, he didn't see anything, no sadness, no fear, no evilness, nothing.

 "Your humanity is switched off." Kol mumbled, nobody in the room heard him properly, but Isabel did.

 "No, it's not, that's what everyone thinks but really I'm just a cruel bitch." She managed to say this without adding in 'just like you', it was difficult but she had to bite her tongue to get out of this mess. She saw a huge smirk grow on Kol's face, something she never liked to see, she wasn't scared, well usually, but she never knew what was going on in his deranged mind.

 "Brother, sister, can you give us a moment please?" Kol asked his siblings kindly, not taking his eyes of Isabel, Isabel secretly longed Elijah to stay because he was the only one in this house who didn't want her dead, for the moment. Elijah and Rebekah obliged and they both walked out of the room closing the doors on their way, Isabel gulped before looking at Kol. If he would just let go of her arms she'd be able to get away no problem, but he had a very strong grip on them.

 "I remember hearing a conversation between a group of kids a few hundred years ago, one of the girls there she said something very interesting, something I still remember. The Mikaelsons are the only vampires in the world who can compel a Reilly." He explained, smiling evilly with every word, Isabel wasn't liking this at all. "Now, I don't know if this true, but you know what they say, you never know until you try, right." Kol chuckled and Isabel immediately closed her eyes and looked down away from him. "Oh don't be like that darling." Kol spoke, his voice low and as nicely as he said it Isabel could hear the demand to look at him. Isabel stayed the way she was, Kol made her face point in his direction but she still refused to open her eyes. That was until she felt his lips on hers, her eyes opened and she gasped at the connection. Once she had her eyes open she saw his beautiful brown eyes, they were almost hypnotizing. 

"God Isabel! Stop it, you're getting soft!" She mentally scolded herself as she tried to make her eyes close again but before she had the chance Kol had already begun the compulsion.

 "Tell me honestly, what can kill you and your sister?" He asked, Isabel breathed in air to start her sentence, but Kol never got to hear her answer because Klaus came barging into the room.

 "You!" Klaus growled while pointing at Isabel, he pushed Kol harshly out of the way making him fall to the ground. Kol gave his brother a side glance and growled as he pulled himself off the ground and walked over to where Elijah and Rebekah were now standing at the door. Isabel chose this moment to run to the window, Klaus followed and cornered her at the ledge.

 "Seriously, what is with you guys and cornering people, ever hear of personal space?" Isabel asked with a smirk, nobody answered her they just glared. "Guess not, tough crowd." Klaus grabbed her arm tightly, it hurt but she wasn't about to show it.

 "Where did you put it?" Klaus asked the anger still obvious in his voice, Isabel just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, she figured he was talking about the Thorn-tree stake, the one that Cara hid in the safe. "WHERE DID YOU PUT THE CURE!?" Klaus shouted and tightened his grip on her arm, she winced in pain.

 "I don't have the damn cure alright! just let me go!" She told him, he sighed angrily and let go of her arm and began pacing the room.

 "If she doesn't have it her sister has it," Klaus guessed then looked at Elijah, "Elijah, get me that cure. You're the only one she trusts, at least a little bit." Isabel was about to speak at this but she decided to listen for a bit more.

 "Brother, I can't just go and interrogate her-"

 "Then force or to give it to you! If you don't I will, I don't care if I have to kill her to get it I will!" Klaus shouted, Isabel stood forward.

 "You lay a finger on my sister and I swear I'll kill every last one of you." She threatened, Kol snickered, Isabel glared him.

 "This is no time for meaningless threats, love, besides, you can't kill a family of an originals." Klaus chuckled slightly, Rebekah had a smile on her face meaning she agreed with Klaus and Kol, but Elijah done nothing.

 "Oh don't tempt me, every single vampire in the world is scared of you, I'm not, Cara's not, in fact I know you couldn't kill Cara. I may be terrifying but don't be fooled by the sweet act, Cara is almost as bad as me when she gets started." Isabel warned, none of them believed her, she just chuckled and took a few steps backwards until she hit the window ledge. "Fine, go, attack us, see if we care because by the time you get to us, we'll be prepared." She jumped onto the window sil and looked at them all individually. "We'll kill each and every one of you, one by one, you won't even know what hit you." She looked at Kol. "And I've got my eyes set on one in particular." She winked and him and with that she jumped out the window. They all ran to the window and looked down to see she was gone.

 "I'm going to kill that bitch." Kol growled, he had his heart set on that, that he was going to kill her, somehow, someway.

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