Chapter 1

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Cho's POV

This is it, my first day at Ouran!!!!!

Me, Akari, Harumi, and Fusa stepped out of the car hurriedly gathering our stuff so my brother and sister could get to their work on time. I looked up at the pink bricked building(which looked like a freakin' castle!!) with blue roofs and fountains and gardens and everything you could imagine!!!

"Ok girls, time to face a new day! We can do this!!!"said Fusa. "Right!!" we all answered in perfect unison.

~Time-skip to end of the day 'cause I'm lazy!~

"Where are you taking me Akari?"

"We are going to go to music room three!" she answered. "Why would we do that?" I asked. "Because that's where the host club meets, duh!"

"But I can't go there Akari I wouldn't be able to do anything. Knowing me I'd break something expensive and get us into debt." "Don't worry you'll be fine you don't have to do anything." "Akari I-" "No Cho you're going and that's final!" Uh oh I made her angry. That's not good. "Fine, but I'm not talking to anyone." "That's fine with me, you just have to come."

So we walked down a few hallways and walked up a set of stairs. When we got there I looked around frightened. There were 7 boys. Oh no Akari what have you got me into? I think. "Cho-Cho? Are you ok? You look sick. Oh no! Please tell me you're ok!" Akari said, using the nickname my parents gave me when I was a child. Before I know it, a boy who has blonde hair and purple eyes comes over and gently grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him. He towers over me and is about the same height as Huyu. He's very handsome, but seems very arrogant. "Well now, that won't do will it? Hikaru, Kauru,"he said with a snap of his fingers. "Yeah boss?" two boys said it perfect unison behind me, resting their elbows on my shoulders. I turn myself to look at them. They're identical twins. They're the two boys from my homeroom class, now that I think about it their in all of my classes! "Go find the nurse! We can't have this beautiful princess feeling badly, can we?"" Oh no I'm fine please don't trouble yourselves." I said quietly. But it seems I didn't say it loud enough. It went on like that for two hours, me trying to tell them that I'm fine, Akari and Suou, I think his name was, arguing about who was taking me to the nurse. Finally, I'd had enough.

"Alright that's it!!!! For the past two hours I've been trying to tell you that you don't need to take me to the nurse!!! I'm fine I was just surprised to find my sister dragged me into a room full of boys. Although they seem very nice, a few of them are too argumentative and flamboyant acting to be able for ME to even keep my temper!"I shouted. I was panting from how angry I was. Then I felt it. I felt the sharp pains in my head that seemed to come with anger for me. I knew I would black out soon. I grabbed my head and fell to my knees from the pain being so great. "Cho! Cho listen to me, you need to stay awake so that I can get you to the nurse, ok?"" Akari, I can't stay awake. I just want to rest."" No Cho, you need t-" She was cut off by a pair of strong arms picking me up. Then I blacked out, unable to keep my eyes open.

You don't need to be shy around me.(OHSHC fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora