Chapter 3

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Cho's POV


I was five when it happened, but that doesn't mean I remember it any less vividly. I was at kindergarten and we were having recess. Everyone was playing with their friends, except me. I was sitting underneath the large bush on the school yard. All of the teachers knew that I sit here so I had nothing to worry about. I was playing with my favorite thing in the world, my teddy bear. When Mama gave it to me for my birthday 2 years ago, I was bursting with a happiness that I couldn't put into words. Mama said that she had made this teddy bear especially for me, and I've loved it ever since, and I brought it to school with me no matter how much the boys on the playground would tease me. The girls would stand there and watch. I was sitting there and then Yuki, the meanest by far, came over to me and started making fun of me.

"Hey shorty, how's the weather down there?Hey look guys, she's playing with her teddy bear again. Doesn't she know those are for babies? Hahahah!"he would say. "They're not for babies, my mama made this just for me because I'm a big girl." "Oh so they aren't? Why don't we test that theory?" "No, please no." then he took my bear and started throwing to his friends, who had formed a big circle around us. I was crying and screaming for them to give it back, but they ignored my pleas.

Then, as a teacher would start to come an see what the fuss was about, all of my siblings-Huyu, Ichiko, Botan, Fusa, Harumi, and Akari-rushed over and got it back for me. They hugged me until I stopped crying. Then finally a teacher came over and told us we were needed in the office. Our principal told us about it and our older cousins became our guardians. They sought out the people who were responsible for the car accident that took our parents lives. They found them and took them to court. Unfortunately, they were extremely rich and had top rate lawyers.

We lost every penny we had due to them. Our cousins worked extremely hard for 8 years, and then passed away from overwork and malnutrition. But by then Huyu and Ichiko were legally old enough to take care of us. They worked hard to add money to the savings our cousins had made us. They got us where we are today. I love them more than words can describe. And I still have that bear, which sits on my bed awaiting me everyday.

~ end of dream~

"Akari, where am I, who are they, and what happened?"

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