Chapter 6

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Tamaki's POV

My goodness today was eventful! After the girls leave, I turn to Kyoya. "Kyoya, what do you know about the Kusumoto family? I want every detail!" I say. "Tamaki, there's no need to shout. And about your request. I'm afraid I have some bad news boys. Why don't we go sit down." And so all of us went to sit down. I poured myself some coffee that we have left, and I'm thankful that it's still hot.

"Cho, Akari, and Harumi Kusumoto. Each one a year apart, Cho being the youngest and Harumi being the oldest. When Cho was 5, her parents were in a bad car accident, which cost them their lives. After that, and even before that, Cho was subject to constant bullying from her classmates, especially in her last year of elementary school, when all of her siblings were in upper classes. Their older cousins had gained custody of them and they were in the middle of a lawsuit with the family who caused the car accident. "

Kyoya paused for a long while. All of us looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to keep going. "They lost the lawsuit, and almost every penny they had along with it. Their cousins worked hard to feed, house, and clothe them. They both died 2 years ago from overwork and malnutrition, when Cho was 13. Now they own a family restaurant, where the oldest work, except Ichiko Kusumoto, the oldest daughter, who is a teacher at the local preschool. Cho, Akari, and Harumi work there part time."

As I sat there taking that in, I look at the other hosts. Then I stand and say" Alright men, we have to make sure that they feel welcome here. We must protect them. AND IF YOU DON'T PROTECT MY NEW DAUGHTER'S I'LL KILL YOU!"

Kyoya's POV

I know I'll protect Cho with my life. Because I'll make sure that no one can hurt her ever again. I may have just met her but I think I like her.

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