Chapter 15

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Kyoya's POV

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Cho asked. I broke out of the daze her playing had put me in. "No, but you are a very exceptional pianist." I said to her. There was no point in denying it anymore. The more I learned about the beautiful girl in front of me, the more I could feel myself falling for her. I couldn't find any flaws. Even her intense vulnerability and innocence didn't anger me, if anything it made me want to protect her and keep her safe.

She blushed and looked in my eyes. "Th-thank you Kyoya-Sempai. That means a lot to me." She said. "No problem, but if you would like, feel free to call Kyoya." As I said this, she blushed even more and her eyes took on a shy violet color. She looked down and her bangs covered her eyes. I noticed that her hair was starting to lighter than normal. And I smirked knowing I had this much control over her. And I also felt very relieved that she trusts me enough to let me have that control.

Cho's POV

Kyoya smirked, and I realized now just how handsome he is. He is way out of my league, I would never stand a chance against the other girls at school. And I realized just how much I was falling in love with him. There was no stopping my feelings from growing. I would have to tell him sooner or later too. Now I just have to wait for the perfect opportunity.

We talked for awhile, and I made lunch for everyone. After that they had to leave for homework, kendo, piano practice, etc. "Bye guys, come back to visit sometime, alright?" I said with a smile. "Excuse me, Cho, but may I talk to you please?" Kyoya asked. "Oh, o-of course." I stuttered out with a blush on my face. The others went ahead and left Kyoya and me alone. I swallowed hard.

"Yes, Kyoya?" I asked. When I didn't call him sempai, it felt ........right. Like I should've been doing it for a long time. "Cho? I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me one day? Like a date?" Kyoya said, he had his head down and his hair was covering his eyes. "Uh, yeah. Yes, of course! That sounds great!" I said with a smile. "Great. I'll call with the details. Good evening, Miss Kusumoto." "Good evening, Mr. Ootori. " I answered with a giggle.

Ok guys, sorry to confuse, but I've just incorporated a major time skip. Cho and her family have known the Host Club for about a month and a half and now Kyoya is asking her out. Sorr y once again. And this chapter is dedicated to PEWDIE_Army

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