Niall and Jade were consoling Louis through this. They listened to him as he cried through his story. He couldn't believe what had happened, how things had progressed. What had happened?

Jade gave him a cup of tea, chamomile, and said, "Are you sure that you want to end the relationship over this? You've built a life together. It's not just you and Harry, you have a daughter involved in this as well."

"I know that, Jade. It fucking killed me to leave without saying goodbye to Olivia. I should've-ve said something to her. And I don't want end this, I just felt...felt like this was the only thing I could do to show how serious I was about this."

"Well," Niall said, "You two love each other. You need to talk it out. If you can talk it out, perfect. If you can't and still end up broken up, we're here for you."

"I-I... I haven't made an official announcement yet, I was waiting, but I'm pregnant."

"What?" Jade asked, scooting closer to Louis and grabbing him by the hand. "Why didn't you tell us sooner? How far along are you?"

"Seven weeks. I'm waiting until twelve weeks. But if you're offering your home to me in case I can't work things out with Harry, I want to tell you about it."

"Louis, that doesn't change our minds whatsoever," Niall said.

"You need to go lay down," Jade said. "You've had a rough morning and you need to relax a little. Follow me."

Jade led Louis down the hallway to the room that was supposed to be Louis' four years ago. Louis placed his bag on the bed and laid down, feeling cold all over. Jade said, "Let me know if you need anything," before shutting the door.

Louis wrapped himself in the comforter, crying at the unfamiliar smell. Somehow Louis fell asleep. When he did, it was to the sound of his cellphone in his pocket. He pulled it out and swiped to answer the call, not checking who it was. "Hello?"

"Lou," Harry's voice crackled through. "Can we speak about this? Please."

"Harry-" Louis said, groggily.

"Let me speak, I let you talk earlier. You left me. You promised me that you'd never leave. Now, here we are." Harry said, obviously through his sobs. It broke Louis' heart all over again. "I...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please let me see you and we talk through this. Don't let this end like this. Please."

"Tomorrow, okay? It's," Louis said, looking for a clock and seeing it was almost ten at night, "almost ten, Harry. I need to sleep."

"Okay. Olivia misses you. She cried her eyes out when I put her to bed and then you didn't answer when she had me call for you."

"I miss her, I do. But please don't use her as way to make me feel guilty."

"I'm not, Lou. Come home. Whenever you want," Harry said.

"Alright, goodnight."

"Wait! How's the peas?"

"Fine," and then Louis hung up. He sighed, pushing back tears as he got up to take his prenatal.

As he stood, there was a sharp pain. In his lower abdomen. He started to panic. The twins. He sat down, taking the pills slowly with his now cold tea. He sat there, feeling the pain intensify. He grabbed his phone, ready to call Harry. But he called out for Jade and Niall instead.


It was past midnight when Harry got a phone call. It was Niall, and he instantly got a bad feeling and his stomach dropped. He immediately answered, "What's wrong?"

i'll make this feel like home - book two ✔️Where stories live. Discover now