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Part 5:


“Mack.” Rikki taps my shoulder

“What?” I answer

“Class is starting.”

            I sit up in my seat and look up at my teacher I really enjoyed this class; it was pretty much a class where you learn life skills. My teachers where young and they were really relatable, they tell us about life experiences that they have had. Funny ones sad ones scary ones, they show me that yeah my life is hard but things could be worse. Class ends quickly as does the rest of my day.

            I walk through the main hallway to go to the gym for practice, and someone pulls on my arm. It was Zayn, he didn’t say anything but he pulled me to the side where is was quieter and we were alone. I got worried…

“Zayn what the hell? Are you okay?” I question

“I have to tell you something.”

“Umm okay? Shot.”

“First do you have a phone?”

“My mom does.”

“Can you use it?” he snaps.

“Umm yes why? What for?”

“I want to talk to you tonight. Is that okay.”

“Umm sure Zayn here.” I answer.

            I grab a pen and paper from my bag and write my moms number and hand it off to him. Honestly part of me hopes that he forgets to text me, I still am deeply in love with Harry and want him back in my life. The other part is telling me Zayn is a real sweetheart and things could work out for us, maybe in the long run. I’m getting a little ahead of myself, he’s only asking for my number. I laugh at myself inside my head, Zayn pulls me in for an unexpected hug. I hope I wasn’t giving him the wrong idea, don’t get me wrong he’s really sweet and super cute but things aren’t the same.

            I make my way to practice, not really wanting to go at all. We as separate teams are playing each other so nothing to meager is going on. I change and see Rose and Rikki in the corner talking I make my way into the conversation before our coach walks in. We run our laps and get into our teams, it was decided that JV would play Varsity first.  We get on the court and I was playing middle hitter, I jump up to block and fall right back onto my ass.

            I couldn’t move I had the worst pain in my leg, I wanted to cry. Emily runs to my side and helps me up. I wanted to cry, it took everything I had not to. What just happened I couldn’t move.

“Mackenzie what just happened?” my coach asked

“I have no idea, I can’t move.” I cry out

“Do you want to call your mom?”

            I nod and call my mom, in a panic she rushes to get me. I lay on the gym floor and try to rethink no relived what just happened. About ten minutes after thinking I am pulled away from my thoughts by my mom crying at my side.

“Oh my god my baby! What happened?” she franticly screamed

“Mom I’m fine just landed wrong.” I snap

“I’ll take you to the hospital to get it looked at.”

            I roll my eyes, she never listens but this time she might be right because I can’t walk on it. My coach and my mom help me stand but only on my left leg. But I don’t dare to try and walk, I feel like screaming and crying right now. Fuck, what do I do?

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