On The Tour Bus To Get To Dallas (Netflix And Chill)

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All the girls got back from a great show and a great crowed In the concert of Florida, It was a exhausting day And everyone was tired, Ally Normani Lauren And Dinah are asleep But Camila Wasn't. Since She couldn't go to sleep she decided to get some Juice.

"Hmm Let's see" She said with her sleepy voice while opening the fridge."Ah there it is, now for a cup" She said, she walked to the cabinet but heard some footsteps Camila got scared as always but turned around to see the one and only Lauren Jauregui.

"What are you doing Camila it's like three in the morning"Lauren said In her low voice and yeah she calls her Camila now because well, they weren't that close anymore, but what Lauren doesn't know is that Camila still likes Lauren and Lauren still likes Camila."Uhm, c-couldn't sleep"Camila said this time while blushing because Lauren is only in her bra and underwear while she sees Lauren's perfect body."Like what you see?"Lauren said as she came Dangerously closer to Camila"L-Lauren I-I-" She said while stuttering as this act started turning her on"What? You what?" Lauren said smirking while she was just inches between Camilas face."L-Lauren we c-can't"She said as Lauren started rubbing her inner thigh with her thumb"Why? I know I haven't been close lately but that doesn't mean I don't think about Fucking you right here and now."Lauren said in her deep and husky voice that always turns Camila on even more"I-I F-Fuck it"Camila says as she tries to kiss Lauren but fails at succeeding And then the rubbing stopped"Ah I got you good Cabello I knew you couldn't resist me Goodnight" She said as she winked and she walked away but before camila could do anything she was out of sight"Fuck"Camila said While she was still Hot and bothered"This isn't over Jauregui Im getting you good tomorrow"

Next Morning:

While the girls were getting ready for the day (P.S the are still one the tour bus the drive is 3 days long)  Lauren was Laying down in her bunk while watching Netflix on her phone and Camila was laying down in her bunk playing games in her phone, as the bus stopped the rest of the girls got off to get some snacks and grab lunch but Camila stayed so she can fuck with Lauren as Lauren fucked with her so she went close to Lauren's bunk but Lauren was so caught up in her netflix she didn't see Camila coming to her bunk and while she did that Camila jumped on Lauren and Lauren screamed.

"WTF CAMILA WHY DID YOU JUMP ON ME"She asked mad that Camila interrupted her show but when she noticed in what position they are in Lauren was getting turned on but she shook the dirty thought's out of her head " Oh sorry Lauren didn't mean to interrupt your little show" Camila said as she moved her knee to Lauren's centre adding pressure Lauren tries to suppress a moan But fails as she moaned low but husky at the same time"Hmm you like that huh? that's for what you did yesterday"Camila said as she bit her lower lip looking directly into Lauren's emerald eyes"W-What are y-you talking about C-Camila?" Lauren said as she looked into Camila's lustful brown eyes as camila put's a hand on her boob and started rubbing her nipple and pinching it as Lauren moans louder than before"Oh you know what i'm talking about Jauregui. Do you want me to stop? you know tell me now so I don't keep going or just don't do anything" Camila says as her other hand starts getting closer to her centre but then stops so she can see what Lauren's answer is"F-Fuck, C-Camila K-Keep going, Don't Stop P-Please"Lauren said finally while moaning for her to keep going" Ah but you forgot one thing admit that you wanted to fuck me all this time but have fun playing around with me leaving me all bothered"Camila says as she went in lauren's pants and stopped right there"N-Never" Lauren says as camila starts rubbing her bundle of nerves but dangerously slow and camila bites her earlobe as she whispers"Admit it Lolo and ill fuck you as hard as you want" As camila used lauren's nickname she gave up and said"O-Okay I A-Admit I-It Just FUCK ME" and with that camila started rubbing faster as she uses her tongue to lick, bite, pull and suck on her nipples while lauren moans enthusiastically and begs for camila to fuck her as she started to get frustrated and camila follows her orders and put's two fingers inside her pushing in and out and everytime getting closer to her G point.

"S-Shit CAMILA F-FASTER"Camila starts rubbing her clit and going in and out faster while nipping and sucking on her neck so Lauren can get to the edge."C-CAMILA" Lauren screamed as she was almost there begging her to not stop"I-IM S-SO C-CLOSE"and the thing that sent lauren on the edge to her orgasm  was Camila bitting her Hard on the weak spot on Lauren's neck as a series of camila's name was screamed and lauren's orgasm ended while camila started slowing down so she can ride out of it."You owe me one Jauregui and that's only the beginning, next time I wont let you get on edge so don't torture me"Camila said as she went out of lauren's bunk so she herself can get off because that made her Horny As Fuck And lauren well she just was processing on how the hell that happened because she was asleep all night"She must of had a sex dream? about me? Well I guess it was worth being in her wet dreams" then suddenly something wet hit lauren's face and she woke up.

"DAMN JAUREGUI YOU REALLY SHOULD CHILL ON CAMILA WE KNOW YOU LIKE HER BUT PLEASE NO WET DREAMS"Dinah said loudly as she held the empty cup in her hand and lauren looked around to see it was all just a dream Fuck."Okay Jezz how did you know I was even having a dream of camila?"lauren said probably obvious she knows the answer" Correction "Wet Dream" and Well dude does this sound familiar? SHIT CAMILA FASTER DONT STOP AHH"Dinah said while trying to imitate Lauren's Husky Voice"Yeah shut up" Lauren said while blushing" Hahahaha okay Lauser anyway time to get up we got a long day ahead of us" Dinah said changing the subject" OKAY OKAY IM UP GET OFF ME" Lauren said screaming because Dinah jumped on her" Okay bye" Dinah said as she got up and left the bunk."Agh what a dream better just keep it to my self"as she said this she heard moans a bunk next to her" Isn't that Camila's bunk?"She thought as she still kept listening"L-Lauren A-Ah D-Dont Stop"the low voice said in her sleep while she still moans"This is going to be a long day" Lauren sighed as she hopped out of bed and went to Camila's bunk.            

HEY GUYSS HOPED YOU LIKED THE FANFIC or should i say Smut? ;) well if you did vote and comment for more but remember this is my first one so i hoped i did it good. 

Camren On The Tour Bus "Smut" (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now