Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....

Start from the beginning

"Forget about my questions" I compelled him once again I didn't want him knowing that he completely spilled his life story to me.

"It's Aaron. My name. I'll see you around, maybe" He walked away from me maybe he didn't know anything about what happen with Megan his just a guy who grieving the only person who would be able to give me answer will be Dr Maxfield and I'm going to get them from him.

Tessa P.O.V

After my winning performance at the party everything fell into place I watched as Damon turned on his beloved Siena, I found it all very amusing but I didn't want to get caught by anyone. Plus I hated Siena style god she must have took hours to get ready, I'm more of the natural type of girl now with all this make up and straightening of the hair.

So for a few days I laid low I didn't want to be seen around Mystic Falls I need to find the anchor holding the other side before Silas does. I know he had lost his mind control ability but his still cunning like always. I had someone hide the one thing that would help me find the anchor and luckily for me where they hid it there was going to be a party there tonight.

So I heard that it was a costume party I decide to as Cleopatra so made my way to Whitmore College to where the item was nI made my way down the steps I saw Stefan drinking at the bar. We'll let me test the waters I walked over and stood next to Stefan.

"Where I come from, open bar meant ceramic jugs of Phoenician wine" I thought to break the ice and let him know I'm not Siena, he turned to me arching his brow.

"Ok" He told me rolling his eyes, why did he react like that?

"You have no idea who I am, do you?" I felt a little offended that he didn't recall who I was did I fry his brain too much.

"No offense Siena but the last time we kind of interacted, it involved me getting punched in the face by my brother" He turned away and sipped his drink well he really didn't have a clue who I was maybe I should make a formal introduction.

"Tessa, formerly known as Qetsiyah" I told him smiling he turned me not looking very happy

"The girl who wiped my memories, the girl who kissed me making out that she was Siena" He really sounded pissed... damn they knew it weren't Siena who kissed him.

"Nothing personal, little ex-boyfriend drama. Let me make it up to you. Buy you an 'I'm sorry. drink?" He looked at me sceptically then I saw his annoying brother approach behind him.

"More like an 'I'm sorry' keg" He spoke bitterly while glaring at me then walking away with his brother, god I hated him what the hell was the fates thinking putting my niece with that. Well I guess I better do what I came here for and not get side tracked with my ex-lookalike.

Damon P.O.V

Hearing Siena tell me once again how much I hurt and seeing in her face how hurt she was I couldn't apologies enough. I hated what I did to her and not believe her when she told me that she didn't kiss Stefan. But it was a natural reaction I mean seeing my 'wife' kissing my brother of course I would flip out, if I didn't then that would actually mean that I didn't give a dam about our marriage. When I told her about compelling the guest and her parents I couldn't believe that Siena was actually stunned by that. I mean I would do anything to protect her and make sure she is safe because no matter what Siena will always be my wife, my Bella and my princess.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad" I turned around and saw Nico standing there looking at the both of us with a small smile, not in a million years did I think that was going to ever happen not aft ther way he left the other night. Siena walked away from me and approached our son I looked at the both of them my little family finally reunited, Siena hugged Nico and he hugged her back that moment right there was priceless.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now