She let her fingers roam into his greying hair pulling him closer. He has also felt different for the first time after decades. He was surprised because the girls he spent nights with were either whores or the kidnapped and unwilling ones who used to cry and scream whenever he touched them but Mary, she is different. She loves him, truly loves him. She kissed him back with the same passion and love even after he has spoiled her life.

Darkness has settled outside but the love was glowing on the faces of this aged couple who wants to forget their past if it for few hours. They want to be together without thinking about past, present or future and they were reuniting in a way a man unites with a woman. The love was slow, deep, dark filled with passion, desire and longing.


He never felt this much satiated ever in life but at the same time he wants more. He covered the beautiful sleeping figure with a duvet and removed a hair strand from her eyes to look at her flawless face.

"What is happening to me?" he smiled to himself and the howling sound of storm broke his train of thoughts.

He has already closed all the windows when the storm hit the place. He didn't want any disturbance during his reunion with his unwed wife. He looked at her once again and clicked a picture of her sleeping figure which shows her bare neck and shoulders.

His phone rang and he immediately picked it so that the ringtone couldn't disturb her sleep. Why is he doing this? Is he caring for her but why?

"Hukum, wo Apaar sahib (That Apaar sahib)" before the man could say further, his scream filled the line from other side and Pratap got confused. He went outside and asked his men to search for the person who has been appointed to keep an eye on the ASI officer. His servants said that the sandstorm has hit the place very badly and there are very slim chances of survival of any person who get caught into the storm.

"Rajkumari kahan hai (Where is princess?)" he asked his men and they paled under his threatening gaze.

"What?" He barked and demanded instant answer.

"Pata ko ni Hukum, Bai sa savere se mandir se ko ni lauti (Don't know hukum, she has not returned yet from the temple since morning)" The local man stammered and Pratap became restless. If anything happened to her then he could never reach the treasure. 

"Ja k dhundo rajkumari ko aur bina kisi khabar k apni shaqal mat dikhana (Go find the princess and don't show me your face without any information)" he immediately dismissed his men and they ran out of the place because they knew that the outside weather can forgive them once but this man will never forgive them if they refused his command.


Alex POV

The synchronized humming sound followed by a melody attracted me towards the courtyard of the fort. Gauri was still weak so shankari has made her drink some soup like medicine and she slept after some time. I reached the courtyard after descending flights of stone stairs. Bhuwan ji was  following me and he announced my presence to the small group of villagers.

Everybody stopped singing and greeted me by folding their hands in namaste while bowing a little.

"Aap log ruk kyun gaye? (Why did you stop)" I acknowledge their greetings with a smile and told them to continue.

They brought a chair for me to sit and they sat on the ground. I eyed Bhuwan ji to inquire about such behavior.

"Hukum, they are your subjects they can't sit on your level. It is a gesture of respect, you can't change that" he shrugged his shoulders a little.

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