Chapter 24

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            Paige raced down the stairs instead of her usual morning stumble and flew down the hall. She slid to a stop in the kitchen and grinned at Axton, who, having heard her thumping down, was rising. “Good morning,” she said.

            He smiled and nodded his head to her. “Good morning.”

            She skipped over to the island surrounded by stools, ignoring the table they only really used at dinner. The dark stone of its countertop was empty save for the remains of a plate of toast and a quarter glass of milk in front of the reseated Axton. Her mother turned away from the coffee maker opposite and looked over her youngest, a green coffee mug held in both hands. “I’ve called ahead and made arrangements at your school so Axton will be allowed to join you,” she said. Then she raised a hand to stop Paige’s cheer. “But, any problems from either of you and he will stay here. Do you understand?”

            Paige nodded as she jumped onto the stool next to Axton. “Perfectly. We’ll be as good as gold.”

            “Hmm…” Claressa turned her steel gaze on Axton. “If it’s too much for you, don’t feel like you have to keep going. Now, I have an early meeting today so you two and Cate are on your own. Please behave.”

            Before Paige could reply that she always behaved, her mother walked out of the kitchen, grabbing her blazer off the counter as she passed it. Paige shrugged and turned her attention back to Axton who was still staring after Claressa. “You get used to it. Now, I see you’re still in your workout clothes. What were you going to wear today?”

            He frowned. “I had not thought on it. Do you have a suggestion?”

            She laughed. “I’m a girl. Of course I have a suggestion. First off, I know you didn’t like them when we bought them yesterday, but pretty much everyone wears jeans so you’re going to have to. Maybe wear the black ones. You seemed a bit more comfortable in them. Then on top... how about that plain blue T-shirt and you can put the leather jacket on for the walk to school. You probably won’t need it after. Wear sneakers, not your boots. It’ll look good on you without making you stand out too much.”

             “I will do so. Will I be able to bring my sword?” he asked hopefully.

            She shook her head. “No. No weapons are allowed in school. Though if you were to hide a small knife or two, they won’t notice. It’s what I do.”

            He sighed. “I believe I shall take my leave of you then. My dawn exercises have left me in need of a bath.”

            Paige grinned. “The shower’ll be free. Me and Cate always use it at night. Do you still remember how to use it?”

            A slight pink colour lit his cheeks as he nodded. Yesterday’s trip to the mall and simple experience of everyday life still had him reeling, despite his previous visits. He slipped off the stool and gave Paige a slight bow before walking down the hall, thinking about the things he’d seen so far.

            “No bowing!” she called after him. She shook her head and got off her own stool then began grabbing everything she needed for breakfast.

            Within the hour they were both at the front door, ready for school. Paige smiled as she looked Axton over, glad he’d listened to her. He glanced around, taking in her jeans, short-sleeved shirt and backpack before frowning. “Where is your sister?”

            She smirked. “Gone. She never walks with me if she can help it. Not since she got a boyfriend,” she said then giggled. “Which is mostly because I used to sing ‘Sitting in a Tree’ at her on an almost weekly basis at the start of last year. I was kind of a brat in grade nine. Now, are you ready?”

            He considered everything he’d seen in the last two days and on his previous visits, thought of everything more he was about to see and felt his stomach tighten and sweat begin to bead along his skin. Then he looked down and saw the hand she held out to him and couldn’t help but smile as he took it. “Always.”

            Paige grinned at him, swinging their joined hands as they walked out into the late spring sun. Axton marvelled at the walk, how different everything looked when he was walking beside her, not creeping along behind. There were flowers, signs, even houses he’d never noticed before. He did wonder if part of missing it hadn’t had to do with the fact that all of his attention had been focused on her before.

            She led the way, quiet for once, just grinning as kept looking over at him. Around them, the house lined streets were filled with students. Most wore backpacks, jeans, and the bleary eyed look of people wishing they were back in bed. Axton noticed the small groups that formed, some quiet, some chattering, all heading in the direction of the school.

            It wasn’t a long walk or even an unpleasant one. The sun streamed down through the trees that often filled the yards of the houses while birds tweeted overhead and squirrels chattered. It was cool in the shade, making Axton glad that Paige had suggested he wear a coat. She wore a light, fabric coat that was similar. He thought he’d heard her call in a hoodie but he wasn’t sure.

            When they reached the school he looked it over as he hadn’t since the night of the dance. Made of red bricks, it boasted three front entrances, each already filled with students entering or hanging around. The front was a smooth lawn of grass, the only interruption being the concrete stairs and the flag pole near the edge. Each entrance was a glad door surrounded by stacked windows that reached from floor to ceiling. Everywhere he looked he saw more students, all talking or hurrying inside. Several were looking in their direction but he ignored them, far more impressed with the sheer number of them. He thought there were more of them than all of the Armithian knights and knights-in-training combined.

            Paige glanced at Axton and noticed his wide eyes and the faint paling of his skin. She squeezed his hand and gently towed him after her, heading for the nearest entrance. Getting him inside and immersed would be the fastest way to get him used to it, she decided. Plus they only had fifteen minutes until he first bell and she needed to take him to the office first.

            Axton inhaled sharply as they passed under the overhang and through the glass doors. This was it. He was in high school.

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