Ruechari's destiny

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Carob Bob leaned against a rock

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Carob Bob leaned against a rock.

He watched as the Wraith looked out across the desert, as the sun began to rise.

He was confused as to the demon's actions.


"Why do you look? Can't you just fly across the desert and do whatever it is that you do."


"Be quiet human, or I will certainly kill you."


Bob struggled to his feet, leaning against the rock.

"I don't think so," he snapped confidently, "or you would have already done it."


"I said be quiet."

The Wraith's voice was cold and demanding.


"Piss off," Bob snapped.

"What can you possibly do to me?"


The Wraith appeared in front of Bob, his hand on his throat.

"Maybe I will just snap that puny neck."


"Do it," Bob choked out.


The Wraith hesitated.


"DO IT," Bob yelled, coughing as he did.


The Wraith shook his head, easing the pressure from Bob's throat.

"No. I want you to watch, as I kill your precious daughter. I want you to be aware of the power I will have and what I will do to this pathetic world."

He let go of Bob's throat.

"I want you to see it all. then I will tear you apart."

He pushed Bob to the ground and walked away.


Bob gasped for breath.

"You have the totem. What are you waiting for?"


The Wraith never answered.


Bob laughed.

"It is no good to you. You have no power over it. It does not respond to you."

Bob coughed several times.

"You are just a pathetic demon."


"Your tongue will be the death of you."

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