What it takes...

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"Sir you should come look at this!" My assistant Jane called out as I was pawing over 2 dead bodies at the old reservations site

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"Sir you should come look at this!" My assistant Jane called out as I was pawing over 2 dead bodies at the old reservations site. I walk over to where she was and stood beside her. She bent over and started to rub her hand in the dirt, "I got a strange feeling here, sir." 

Jane had a gift of sorts. It came in handy often times when I needed to track something untraceable but she had zero skill at hunting so I usually left her at home base waiting on my return.

"What you got?" I finally spoke after watching her move her hands in tiny circles across the desert floor. "3 sets of tracks in total. But there is something different about one of them," she said.

"Well, what is it, spit it out, girl! We don't got all day!" She seemed to be taking an extraordinarily long time and I was never the type to enjoy waiting.

"Well sir, we have 3 sets of tracks but only 2 of them are touching the ground." 

At that point, I interjected, "Get my kit!" 

She brought me my tool kit, disguised as a doctor's travel bag, and I pulled out a mirror.

"Show me what isn't seen," I spoke and held the mirror up to my face. That's when I seen him.


A godless beast dressed up as a man. He had a woman with him but she seemed to be out of the shop at the moment. I watched the mirror skip ahead to another scene. 

A man talking to himself, no wait... there is something there. I move the mirror to get a better look and I seen the blue hue of a spirit. Then I see the man ride off in the same direction as Reaper and the girl. 

"Jane? Get my horse!" 

I left her behind to study the bodies as I set out to follow these strange beings.

I find myself riding hard across the open desert with the sun beating me down and my horse on the verge of going thirsty. I hope I catch up in time, whoever this man is chasing down Reaper has no idea what he is getting into.

Night was fast approaching. I would need to stop. I tied up my horse and began to wonder... "What could make this man want to chase down Reaper? What was the connection?"

I pulled out my mirror and spoke the words again. This time I seen him laying there in a deep, sound sleep with the spirit, a woman who now hovered above him, almost as if she was protecting him. 

The man was dreaming. I whispered to the mirror again, then the mirror shone brightly and I witnessed the man's dream. In the ordeal, I figured out a few things. 1. The spirit is the woman from his dream and Reaper was the cause of her demise. 2. The woman with Reaper is this man's child. One thing was for sure, I now knew why this man foolishly presses on. 

He believes he can save her. He will not stop until she is safe from harm.  

I need a plan, I have to try and stop him. The sun has set the darkness covers the desert. I see the full moon rise, ... and I hear growling, snarls, and howl not far in the distance. "Damn! Forgot it was a full moon. Guess I won't be gettin' much sleep tonight." 


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