All Beginning Have an End

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There seemed to be a lot happening in an old prospect town out west called Busted Gulch

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There seemed to be a lot happening in an old prospect town out west called Busted Gulch. 

 Seemed to be the typical someone wants what the other had in most cases but on the outskirts, there was something else happening. In most cases, I don't usually get involved but I come and play when those rare cases start to occur. 

You know the ones, the hard to explain what you just saw cases. I sent a team ahead to check out all the talk and they came back with the typical reports. I had the case solved in a matter of minutes once the report landed on my desk. 

Seems some ol' Doctor is trying to take the town away from 3Gun Wild Bill Dakota Kid....Jr., good luck with that.  Truthfully, I can care less about how it all works out. All's well that ends well. But something in the report caught my attention. 

Seems to be a strange sighting at an Indian camp. The report says that there were a few dead bodies buried in a shallow grave and one appeared to be shot. But there was no bullet. Upon further investigation, the wound that killed this old Indian fella had been purposely led to bleed put at a long length of time. Not many doctors could do that on a good day much less out in the middle of nowhere. 

So here I am. Checking out what the reports have been saying in this godforsaken country. One thing I know for sure. Something ain't right here. I can smell it in the air and taste it on my tongue. 

But that's what I do, solve the strange and weird cases no one else can explain. You can call me Leim Helzing, I'm a relative of the famous Van. Our family has been hunting the strange for generations. This one is no different.


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