Well I Tried

139 7 14

So I was tagged by Kaisooismyoxygen, and I'm supposed to give 13 facts about myself, then answer 13 questions that were given by Kaisooismyoxygen, then give 13 questions to you guys, and then tag 13 people!

3, 2, 1!!!
Let's do this ^~^

Facts about me

1. I absolutely love reading! I will read anything from soup cans to books to newspapers to like the ingredients on something or the nutrient labels. Lol

2. My favorite color is Aqua, but a lighter shade than the normal kind. Coral is also another one of my favs

3. I have two twin brothers that are 2 years younger than me 

4. I am a HARDCORE SHIPPER! Like once I ship something, I don't back down from it.

5. I ship Kaisoo, Vkook, Neo, 2Jae, and Showhyu. 

6. My favorite book is the Throne of Glass series! Please check it out someday! 

7. I loveeee to make friends and I'm a really outgoing and fun person once you get used to me, but I can be quite shy when meeting new people. I can be crazy af when I warm up to u( my friends can back me up on this)😁

8. I hateeeeee being up in front of people. I get so nervous when I'm on stage or am presenting a project for my class. I absolutely hate it. I'd be totally fine if I was with a large group of people on a stage though, so I can hide myself behind tall people

9. I'm 1st chair flute in my Symphonic band! I was so happy when I learned I got first chair ^~^

10. My favorite food is probably sushi or crawfish or anything seafood. My whole family is a seafood lover and I guess I just got into it. Oh or my grandma's food that she makes. Sooooo good! Haha I want some right now

11. I never leave the house without my earbuds(hehe this might have started when I learned about kpop)

12. I'm only 5'. I'm so smoll *sobs* my friends tease me bcecause of my height. 

13. My ultimate bias is KYUNGSOO ( aka D.O) I have no words for how much I just loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him



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1. It's definitely reading fan fictions of my OTP. Oh, does anyone know where I can get some holy water? Cause I am in dire need of some after what I'm reading

2. I want to be a doctor! I'm still not sure what kind yet but at least something in the medical field. I'm already trying to find ways so I can become one like going to a high school that will give me the experience and will allow me to intern at hospitals and learn from a doctor.

3. That's reallyyyyy hard. Cause food is BAE and I love any kinds of food! Hmm I would eat phở for the rest of my life! Vietnamese for life people! Or bún bò huế! 

4. Yessssssssss OML kdramas was what got me into kpop! I was watching Exo Next Door and that's what got me into Exo. I would have to say either Strong Woman Do Bong Soon or Goblin( I bawled my eyes out on this particular drama. I've never cried as much on a drama before until this) as my personal fav! Comment which one is your fav drama!

5.  I can go on and on about my main OTPS! My #1 OTP would be Kaisoooooooooo( Kaisoo all the way)( I'm such trash for them) and my second fav would be Vkook! They're so cute togetherrrrr >//<

6. I actually have two names, one in English and Vietnamese. In Vietnamese I was named after my grandma on my dad's side

7. Like 30 something minutes ago because of this super angsty fanfic.  I was bawling my eyes out

8. I actually don't know how to answer this question, hehe. *awkward laughing* BUT, if this kinda answers your question then probably their eyes, or if they're smiling then their smiles! :)

9. I would be fine with both actually. I'm such a sucker for angst FF and if someone dies at the end I always end up bawling my eyes out. But I'd prefer if there was a happy ending

10. Probably around 10-20 minutes? I don't really care about my appearance that much, I mean who would I impress? I just brush my teeth, change, a quick brush through my hair , moisturizer, Chapstick, and then I'm done.

11. I love my own life and wouldn't want to trade it for anyone else's! :)

12. What's a Kaistal???? Idk Kaistal, does anyone know it?


Questions for you guys

1. What's your favorite song and why?

2. Favorite Fanfiction? *wink wonk*

3. What's your #1 played song on your phone?

4. What's your favorite OTP? Or your non OTP

5. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?

6. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

7. What country are you from? (Btw if you don't want to answer this question bc it's too personal than that's fine)

8. If you could change your first name what would it be?

9. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?

10. What did you last eat?

11. Why do teachers teach kids that violence is not the answer and then have them read about wars in school that solved the world's problems?

12. Wassuppppppppppppppppppppp?

13. What's your favorite anime/ kpop group?
I Tag:














That's it! Woah I wrote so much. Haha lol. If you don't want to do it you can put your answers in the comments ;)

Ciao! Byeeeeeeeee <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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