"It's going to okay man we're about to go on tour in like three days who knows you just might the one." Jackson said making Yugyeom laugh."maybe."

"Bye babe have a good practice." Dahlia said kissing Jaebum getting out the car going up to the room she saw Tessa and Junior cuddling watching a movie."aweee how cute." Dahlia said flopping on her bed."what happened last night Jaebum came here looking for you." Tessa said .

"Girl he got all upset when I asked him about a relationship and we got into it and I got a cab and left but all I did was go to his house because I was like you know what I'll hear him out cause I really care about him and now I'm his girlfriend." Dahlia said."oh well that's good cause if y'all didn't solve it I was gone be mad cause he really interpreted me and Junior." Tessa said laughing.

"Y'all are something else but I have to go I'm going out to lunch with Yugyeom I wonder what's wrong with him." Dahlia said. Junior and Tessa just looked at each other looking suspicious."is there something that y'all know and I don't." Dahlia said."nope we don't know anything." Junior said. After that Dahlia just walked away and got ready.

Finally dressed Dahlia decided to just be comfortable since she was only going to see her bestfriend.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Hey bestie what's going on

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"Hey bestie what's going on." Dahlia said hugging Yugyeom kissing him on the cheek."hey you look beautiful." Yugyeom said pulling out Dahlia's seat so she could sit down."Thank you but tell me what's going on you seem down." Dahlia said."it's just this girl I like her a lot and I've fallen for her and she don't even know and then she's already involved with someone what am I supposed to do.?" Yugyeom said looking down.

"Honestly I think you should just stay in your lane and just see how things play out because it could get messy and I would hate for you to get hurt." Dahlia said."but this girl isn't just a girl she's everything,I want to tell her how I feel because we're also friends." Yugyeom said looking into Dahlia's eyes she didn't know how to feel when Yugyeom looked at her like that.

Dahlia really did love Yugyeom and honestly she always thought he was attractive and felt things for him but never acted on them because the way she feels for Jaebum is so much stronger."Yugyeom I don't think you should tell this girl she probably already has a lot on her plate." Dahlia said she knew he was talking about her but she didn't want him to say it she wanted to keep there friendship.

"Dahlia I'm sorry but I've fallen for you ever since that day I saw you in the club I wanted you but I knew you were all about Jaebum and that's my boy and me being your bestfriend is the best thing that's happened because I really do love and care about you but I want you Dahlia. . . I've been fighting this for to long." Yugyeom said looking into her eyes letting Dahlia know just how serious he was.

"Yugyeom I can't do this me and Jaebum we're together officially and he makes me happy your my bestfriend!." Dahlia said. "I could treat you better. Honestly I don't know how long I can keep doing this bestfriend I want you to much." Yugyeom said having tears in his eyes. "So what are you saying.?" Dahlia said."I don't think me and you can be bestfriend's anymore I'm sorry." Yugyeom said getting up walking away. "YUGYEOM." Dahlia yelled watching Yugyeom walk away.

All Dahlia could do is cry she didn't know that today would be the day she lost her bestfriend.

• poor Yugyeom

• Dahlia can't catch a break



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Look at that Jawline 😍

Look at that Jawline 😍

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he's so rude 😩😭

Ray of sunshine 💖

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Ray of sunshine 💖

Finding Felicity  - JaebumWhere stories live. Discover now