Freshmen Year

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(Based on true events but some names where changed.)

Part one:

            I never thought high school could change me, let alone on my first day. My name is Mackenzie but I like to be called Mack, and I’m walking through the halls of West high school, scared of my own shadow. I’m honesty never this shy but I have never been here before I don’t know anyone and a feel so small. Granted I’m four and a half feet tall but I feel like I’m two inches and someone’s going to push me in a locker. (FYI that never ended up happening).

            I’m lucky that is first few days were only for freshmen, I get to meet my classmates who I will spend the next four years with. I promised myself last night that I would make a new friend today, I would come out of my shell and make a friend. However the day is half over and still nothing, so I walk into my third class of the day and see a girl who seems to look…. Nice. No one was sitting next to her and so I walk up and say.

“Hello my name is Mackenzie… May I please sit with you?”

“Hey I’m Dawn...Sure you can sit here and Mackenzie?”

“I also go by Mack.” I smile and sit next to her.

            I finally did it; I made my first friend, my first high school friend. Trust me it wasn’t easy, I almost cried because her real friends walked in and they were all boys. One seemed to always look at me I never remembered his name but the ones I did were named Ricardo, Felix, and Tay. They were all really nice and I was desperate. Thank god my day was coming to an end and I was able to go home, my mom made me practically tell her ever single detail about my day. After what happened over the summer she knew today was going to be hard for me.


            “You’re lying! My daughter knows better! She is too young to have a boyfriend!” my mother was screaming at her younger sister. I was in tears sitting next to the love of my life, Harry. He and I were secretly dating behind my parents back, but my aunt knew, she was holding it against me I didn’t know what to do. I had never seen my mom angrier.

“ASK HER! She can’t lie!” my aunt yelled back.

            My mom stood in front of me and Harry and looked us both in the eye.

“What’s going on with you two? Are you two together!?”

“No mom.” I didn’t even look her in the eye, I couldn’t and Harry sat there without a word.

“Mack stop lying! I’ll get the emails!” my aunt threatened me. I knew I was done for.

            My mom went back yelling at her sister and I look over at Harry. I was crying my eyes and I could tell all he wanted to do was hold me. But instead.

“Mack I have to go.”

“No please don’t leave.” I plea in the softest voice I can.

“Harry have you kissed my daughter?!”

“No.” he snaps back as he stands to leave.

“Oh! He’s going to leave! Ha-ha what a “Man” you have there Mackenzie.”

            I jump up and throw myself against the fence and cry even more as I see Harry make his way to the gate. He looks and me with tears in his eyes and opens the gate. He mouths me and “I love you” and walks out of my backyard. Out of my life, he is completely gone. The only thing that I remember about the rest of that day is my mom finding out the truth and my losing the love of my life forever.

*present day*

“Mack?” she snaps


“Did you find out anything about the volleyball team?” she asks.

“Oh, yeah the practices start tomorrow.” I don’t talk the rest of the ride home.

            I don’t believe that she understands that I’m still hurt she doesn’t get how much he meant to me. All she told me was that I’ll get over it and all I can do is try. As soon as I get home I crash on my bed, my sisters share a bed across from mine but I don’t even care that they are there. I wake up the next morning from school, which has freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. I get ready and I really don’t try today just some cut off shorts my black skater shoes and a black shirt.

            I hardly ever talk in the morning so my mom doesn’t say much to me. On our drive I sing to the radio and look through my bag to make sure I have my workout clothes. I can’t wait for after school so I can play volleyball, I’m a sports addict. Volleyball and soccer are my biggest outlets. But any who, my mom pulls up to school and I step out and give her my love and good byes. I walk in with my head high and acting like I’m not scared shitless. I walk into the lunchroom and see my new friends and I sit with them and feel a little better about my stress level.

            As the day begins, I walk from class to class and see all the older people looking deep into my soul, making me want to throw my guts up. The seniors really did run the school, I saw a ton of them talking to the freshmen girls, I was glad I wasn’t one of them. I get to my last class and thank god that I hadn’t died yet. I sit in the back of the room and notice that my Spanish teacher really out did herself with all the posters. I bring myself back to the real world and notice a young man had sat down next to me, I thought he was cute. He gave me a smile and I flashed one back.

“Hi I’m Zayn.”

“Hi I’m Mackenzie. But my friends call me Mack.”

“Nice to met you.”

“Like wise.”

            The teacher starts talking about class rules but I can’t stop talking to Zayn, he was cute and funny. It turns out he was a sophomore and was new to West as well. He plays soccer and had a big family; he wasn’t from the U.S. and moved here when he was 7. We talked the whole class; it went by very fast and made the class fun. After class I walked to practice and changed quickly, the gym filled up with girls who looked my age or even a little older.

            My head coach name was Emily and the assistant coach was Shan, I worked with Shan all practice. All we really do is run and work out, I was okay with that it brought down my stress and will help me get back in shape. I did met a lot of the girls I recognized them from my classes and from around the hall. I had a class with Rikki who was also a freshmen, she was really nice a great player.  

            I get home after a long day, I wish I had a phone.. I want to call  Harry. I want to tell Harry about school, I wish I could stop missing him. I don’t want to feel lonely and sad like this forever. Mostly because my mom keeps telling me it will pass, but when? When will I be able to move past this and stop feeling this way? My mind floods itself and as I fall asleep. Wishing I’ll wake up tomorrow and the past two months were all part of a big dream but they aren’t.

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