Alpha and Omega

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Chapter 11
                    Two days later, the pack united as one, but the boys had to go. "Well, its been nice, glad we helped," Leo smiled. Cheyenne didn't want Raph to leave, he was perfect for her. Chrissy finally let go of Mikey, and honesty, he liked her, she was fun an cute. Same went for JJ and Donnie..but if course, being smart.

Leo and Lily rubbed noses before turning their backs. Raph licked Cheyenne's Chen once more before walking off with Leo.

Late on, they entered the lair as wolves. April made a sigh of relief, "There you guys are, I got worried," she held some retro mutagen. "Heh, Sorry April, but we have a story to tell you."

~~~The End ~~~
Hoi ppl. I have an idea, a book of all the TMNT universe, 2012, 2014, 2003, 2007, and 1980s. It's gonna be confusing, but its in my draft so o won't publish is for a while...yeah .-.

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