Breaking The Rules

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Chapter 6 (long chapter)
As the brothers went back to the base, Mangle started her speech on his to defeat the Omegas once and for all. On the Omega base, Lily barely listened to any of her leader commands, she finds fighting stupid and a waste of time, she just couldn't stop thinking of the blue one. Same goes for Leo, he couldn't stop thinking of the white wolf with ponytail. After the discussion, Leo snuck off near the Omega base while his brothers were too busy talking to other wolves.

Lily and JJ talked for a bit, until Lily saw the wolf with blue mask coming too near their base, she knew he and his brothers are new, so while JJ got distracted, Lily left her base. Leo walked slower as he approached the base and hear other wolves. Just then wolf he was looking for scared him from behind.

"Wow, you scared me," he smiled.

Lily wagged her tail, "You know, we're not suppose be here...nor talk to each other."

"I..I know, I just...wanted to say hi back," Leo shrugged.

"Hm, what's your name," she asked licking her paw.

"Its Leo...Leonardo," he replied. She stop licking her paw, "Cool, I'm Lily." Leo smiled back, "Nice name."

Just then Lily heard Cheyenne called her, with no hesitation, Lily quickly said, "Got to here at midnight?" Leo couldn't really process what she just said for how fast it was, but he understood then nod and watched as Lily ran off, she was fast! Leo sighed lovingly then went back to his brothers.

"Where have you been??" Cheyenne asked Lily worryingly as their other two friends came up, "Um, by the river catching fish..." She lied in response. "Anyways, our leader, Rolf, wants you," JJ spoke up.

Lily had a confused look, "Why does he want me?"

Chrissy shrugged, "Who knows, probably one of those harsh talks he gives us."

Lily nodded then went to Rolf. Wolves live in caves, someone of them, but most live in low trees where the vines reaches the ground, to make it look like a hut, sort of. Rolf lived in a big cave with two of his riyal guard wolves. Lily lowered her ears then entered slowly. "Lily, step up here," Rolf called her up. Rolf was black as night, just...pure black, no shades of white, brown nothing. Lily bowed before him then sat straight up.

"I saw you Lily," he walked around her, "I saw you and an Alpha male."

Lily lowered her ears more, "I-I'm so sorry, I broke the rules."

Rolf stopped then laugh, "Yeah you broke the rules, but for once that's good!"

Lily had yet another confused look, "What are you saying?"

Rolf stood directly in front of her, "I want you to lure this Alpha male into your traps. Make him love you, then at the right moment, we capture him! And the Alpha leader will have to watch in pain as we hurt him."

Lily's eyes went wide, "can't we just forget this war?!" She stood up, "Does it make sense? We've been fight for decades, and yet, none of us will ever win."

"Do you know what happened to your mother?!" Rolf growled.

Lily looked down. "She was our bravest warrior, you were just 2 Lily...and because of those didn't grow up with her," he said trying to convince her. But Lily knows that she can't disobey her leader, she knew Leo was good, but she had no choice,

"Fine, Rolf, I'll...break the rules," Lily said. Rolf smiled then licked her ear as a sign of thanks.

TMNT- Alpha and Omega✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant