Chapter 11

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"Wait, hold up, you really want to be a state alchemist?" Hugo nods his head quickly, smiling up to Ed as Y/n, him, and Ezra all walk to their hotel room. "Yes!" Ed chuckles at the boy's reaction, "Does Roy know about this?" Hugo pauses and huffs, turning his head to look ahead. "Yeah but he doesn't believe I can be a state alchemist... He thinks Ezra is more qualified..." Ed frowns, petting Hugo gently. "I'm sure in a few years you'll be ready." Hugo looks up at Ed, a large smile on his face and his small eyes showing hope.

"Really?" Ed nods, petting Hugo's head again, Y/n watches the entire thing unfold with a smile, "Come on Huges, we shouldn't bother the Alchemists so much." She says, petting Hugo's head as she takes the key from the receptionist. "Oki Doki, Good night Ed!" Ed smiles and waves off Hugo and Y/n, however, something in the corner of Ezra's eye caught his attention. A newspaper, on the table, he quirks a brow and walks over to inspect the article on the front. Ed notices Ezra's lingering presence and walks over, peering over his shoulder to attempt to see the paper.

"Whatcha got there Ezra?" The black-haired teen shrugs, "Apparently they caught the murderer of some guy named Maes Hughes." Ed quickly takes the paper from Ezra's hands, the teen let out a surprised 'Woah' as Ed does so. "What's wrong Ed, did you know-."

"What?" Ezra quirks a brow, "Something wrong?" He looks over Ed's shoulder to look at the picture of the girl, "Second Lieutenant Maria Ross convicted of General Hughes murder?" Ed's hands begin to shake as Al calls out to him. "Brother did you-." He stops once he sees Ed reading the paper, "So you have..." Ezra's eyes flicker between the boys. "Can someone explain please?"


Quiet sobs echo throughout the small room as Payton sits hunched over their desk, their hands covering their eyes but their tears land on the desk. A crumpled up newspaper column sits by the trashcan, Denny sits next to Payton, softly rubbing their back as they cry. "Hey, hey it's ok, I bet it's a false conviction-."

"It fucking better be, cause goddamnit I will overthrow that one-eyed bastard if he genuinely believes that our best friend would kill my dad." Payton croaks, they're too emotional to keep up their typical facade, their grip on their finger tightens as Denny gently rubs their back. "Don't worry, I'm sure Colonel Mustang or Major Armstrong will fix it, yeah, in facts I know they'll fix it," Denny says, his own tears beginning to fall down his face. "I know they'll fix it..."

'Calming Anxiety' [Envy x Reader x Edward (Under Revisions)]Where stories live. Discover now