"I know you Ty, you never go to so much extent for someone to like you. You didn't even try that hard for us to be friends!" Josh laughed, "you hardly like talking unless it's with people your comfortable with, and Jenna was practically a stranger to you a few weeks ago"

"Okay okay shut up, I get it" I rolled my eyes, Josh obviously happy that he got his point across. "Anyways, we gotta do a band meeting before youth starts, do you want to get everyone together?"

"We'll continue this conversation another time" he said, backing away to find the other members. I walked over to Jenna and Tatum, mistakingly coming into a very girly conversation.

"Uh I was just gonna say are you guys okay if I just go into a band meeting, I'll be out soon" I croaked, Tatum immediately replying before Jenna could even try.

"Of course we'll be okay, I'll look after Jenna for you, don't worry" she stuck her tongue out, shooing me away with her hand. I smiled, walking to the door to see Josh and the other members, our instruments lined up backstage.


"Are you guys ready for a good night!" I screamed over the mob of teenagers. They all cheered back, looking up at me who was standing on a speaker. I jumped down with ease as the music started to play behind me, walking over to the centre of the stage.

"How has everyone been? Tired? Excited schools done for the week?" I spoke into the mic, a kid screaming a 'heck yeah' from the back. I laughed, looking over to the back to see the blonde haired girl I could not mistake. She was leaning against the wall with Tatum, her eyes fixated on me.

"Well before we start off tonight, we're gonna do what we usually do and start off with a few stupid games" I explained, "before we can tell you those games, I need to find out why I'm still alone on stage"

"Sorry man I'm down here" Josh's voice blasted through the speakers, his body waddling down the aisle to jump up on stage. "I was busy fixing my hair in the mirror" he smiled

"Well tonight we actually have a prize for a change, it's hillsong young and free's new album, which is pretty exciting if I do say so myself" I chuckled, watching as the kids faces lit up with interest. Hillsong was a Christian band, young and free being the most popular in the youth community.

"Before we start" Josh interrupted, my eyebrows furrowing as I looked over confused. "Jenna, can you come up here"

She looked up confused, shaking her head as Tatum pulled her over. I was clueless on what Josh was trying to do, his face lit up in a cheeky smile.

"What're you doing?" I dragged out, Josh completely ignoring me as he stood up to help her up the stairs.

"This is Jenna everyone, say 'Hiiii Jeennnaaaa'" Josh spoke in a high tone, making everyone laugh and mimic his actions. Her hand covered her mouth as she giggled, the oversized hoodie making it hard to see her fingers.

"Do you know how to braid hair?" He turned to her, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. She nodded, obviously not having a mic for everyone to hear her. "Great, do you think you could braid my hair?" She looked over at me confused before nodding again, her smile glistening in the light.

"What the heck are you doing man?" I laughed, the word 'hell' being suspended from my vocabulary while I was up here.

"Shush Tyler, I'm getting a makeover" Josh stuck his tongue out, my head shaking as I continued. Jenna seemed to be enjoying playing with Josh's purple locks, starting to intertwine pieces of hair along his unique haircut.

Ordained - Jyler Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora