1K Followers Special: Thank you + Q&A

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SCROLL DOWN to the ~~~ to see our special couple drawing (yaoi) if you are not interested in all of this 😜

And btw we really want to know this so:
Which genre would fit our art style?


THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the reads and 1K+ followers and also the infinite support!!!
We just passed our 1-year anniversary by exactly 3 months (25 August) since we started on Wattpad 😂 And we already hit the 1K-followers milestone *_* How cool is that?

Then, we have to thank all those who cared to drop a few questions for us and even those who did not! I know we are super late but well, better late than never XD

Well, let's get started with the Q&A (you are allowed to skip XD):

What's your OTP ship? (Eevee100)
M: Judal x Hakuryuu and also our newest ship, Lucas x Mika 😍
L: I have a lot of OTP ships.... 😏 Alibaba x Sinbad, Karmagisa, MikaYuu

When did you both start drawing? (RellyYumii & Wispwind)
L: Uhm..... If you mean drawing anime, then it was.... when I was 7 years old 😙
M: Same as above. But I started drawing circles and lines as soon as I could grab a pencil XD

How old are the two of you? (sammyhamsterchan)
M: It's a secret 😘
L: I am planning an age reveal on my next birthday 😃 Stay tuned XD

How did you guys learn to draw? (lennieskywalker)
M: We are both self-taught.
L: Through tutorials on the internet and youtube too 😶

[All the rest are asked by Wispwind We are really really grateful to you otherwise we would have given up the whole Q&A thingy]
How did you two meet?
Uh.... maybe when we were like 9 years old I think... during chinese tuition 😝 Even though we did not really talk to each other XD Then we finally acknowledged each other's existence when we got into the same middle school 😉

What inspires you girls to draw?
M: When looking at others' drawings on wattpad, I'm like "OMG that's so beautiful, I need to practise to be able to draw like that!" And the inspiration flows in by itself 😊
L: Hm.... tough question..... I like to create outfit designs and with Mya as my friendly rival, I have to always keep improving 😄

What are your favourite colours?
L: Purple obviously 😎 Purple is the BEST
M: Blue obviously, Mya's theme colour 😜

Have you girls ever been to a anime convention?
L: I wish 😭😭 Maybe I'll go to a convention if I do not go abroad this year XP
M: Nope. Supposingly, there will be one organised at the end of the year here. I plan on going, maybe 😉

What other artists inspire you?
That's Master @Ralder and @TheVelveteenChibi - senpai 😍😍 Outside wattpad we don't really know.... 😶

What other hobbies do you girls have besides art?
M: We are known as 'The Devil Matchmakers' at school for creating yuri couples XD 'cause it's all girls 😂😂😂
Apart from that, reading manga, watching anime, annoying my dogs,..
L: Hm... I have a lot of hobbies I guess 😶 I like to play badminton (I'm not that good XD), learn the way of the sword (iaido), singing and dancing, fortune-telling with tarot cards, creating useless projects... etc. XD

What is your favorite element?
L: Do you mean elements like fire water etc or elements in a periodic table? 😮 I like Fire and Mercury XD Or actually oxygen because without it I'll die 😖
M: I like water or wind since both are free and flow XD also, I like the metal ore Zinc Blende because of it's beautiful name 😂😂

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