Too little too late //taehyung angst

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Trigger warning: this angst mentions sensitive topics so please don't read if you won't feel comfortable. Please also note that I don't support self harm of any kind and wrote this angst purely because it was requested by @-bwiii

You saw it all.
All the texts.
The messages.
The nudes.

You knew taehyung had been acting differently around you lately, more snappy, less interested and usually came home late smelling oddly feminine but you were never concerned as it all seemed like symptoms of stress. You never had expected for him to cheat on you...well he promised he wouldn't anyway.

You sat there in the bathtub,fully clothed, crying quietly while trying to arrange all of the thoughts in your head.

You weren't the strongest of people, in fact you were far from it. Your previous relationships nearly all included violence of some sort and you had issues with self harm and overdosing on powerful drugs. You had landed yourself in hospitals many times, the smell of hand sanitiser and general anaesthesia was all to familiar too you and you didn't want to go back.

Once you found him a year ago, you thought it was going to be alright. You thought he was the one. You both decided to spend the week living with each-other to see if you guys were ready for such a big step.

You thought that things would finally start going your way and that you would finally meet someone who made you feel worth something. You were wrong. So, so, wrong.

Your eyes trailed to the cabinet above the sink, you looked at your wrist and back at the cabinet. You shook your head and left the bathroom without looking back or thinking back to the thoughts that had come to your mind.

You heard tae come through the door, he came towards you and gave you a half hearted hug and a small peck on the the cheek and walked into the living room. On another day you would've smiled and giggled slightly, you would have barley noticed the lipstick smudges that covered the inner areas of his collar or the light hickey that was located on his neck.

You made your way to the living room and sat further away from Tae then you usually would have, he didn't notice, why would he, he seemed to be in a world of his own, not even giving you a single glance.

*two hours later*

You woke up to hear loud moaning from upstairs, you must've fallen asleep on the couch earlier that evening and taehyung called her over.....he wouldn't have.....he wouldn't do that to me, you thought over and over again as your legs became weak just because of the thought of your tae sleeping with another woman.

The moaning had quietened and you started walking slowly up the stairs and towards the bedroom. Your bedroom. Where the noise seemed to be coming from.

You peeked behind the door only to find the sight that made you want to scream, to cry, to lash cut.

His face was buried in her neck, both of them were sweating and the rest was hidden behind the bedsheets. "When are you going to leave that bitch Tae tae" she said in a smooth yet evil voice, her face caked with makeup and her lipstick smudged, "you said you were using her anyway".

He laughed almost nervously and before he could respond you opened the door wider, wide enough for them to see you in the doorway, eyes wet from crying and cheeks stained with tears.

The girl in his bed barley flinched although her eyes grew wide for a split second, taehyung on the other-hand started racking his brain for excuses to explain the situation though his Sentences were jumbled and made no sense.

"You were using her anyways?", you questioned, looking at taehyung straight in the eyes, "that bitch?" You said, now facing the girl who had a smirk plastered to her painted face.

You picked up your suitcase that you hadn't even unpacked yet, only to set it down and start running out of the house. Your own house was a few blocks away and running right now was the only option you had and you took it. You ran fast, your mind once again going to a dark place and tears streaming down your face.

As soon as taehyung heard the door closed he knew exactly what was going to happen and started looking for the clothes that covered the bedroom. He ran out thinking about where you would go ,and more importantly, what you would do.

You stopped running only once you reached the gate to your house. You frantically looked under the doormat for the spare keys before unlocking the door and slamming it shut.

You ran upstairs to the bathroom and looked through the medicine cabinet until you found what you needed. Razor blades.

You sat down at the edge of the bathtub before tears started to pool your eyes again.

You thought back to all the memories you had together, your first date, your last date, the time he asked you to be his Valentine and took you to prom with him. If this had been a few years ago you would've forgiven him and maybe stayed together with him but you couldn't take the pain anymore and you just had to end it. And it wasn't just the relationship you had to end. It was something more. Something much more.

You positioned the blade above your wrist and slowly started moving it downwards. The blade cut through your skin like butter, leaving you with the searing pain that you longed for.

You cut again, this time deeper, letting the blood flow out and drop to the bathroom floor leaving pools of Crimson by your feet.

You kept cutting and your vision was starting to blur and fade, your eyes were closing slowly and you know you were close to ending it all, the pools of Crimson had turned into an ocean that was a mixture of blood and tears.

Taehyung had finally reached your house and started banging frantically on the door, the only source of light was the moon and it made it harder to find any spare keys lying about. The banging got louder and louder, " DON'T DO IT" he screamed pleadingly, tears streaming down his face, almost blinding him and choking him at the same time.

You heard the banging and his pleading, you gave a small laugh riddled with sarcasm and pain as you cut through a vein. The vein let out an alarming about if blood compared to the previous cuts and you fell to the blood covered floor without another noise.

Taehyung had managed to break the door and ran up the stairs to your bedroom, where he expected you to be, he then ran to the bathroom and opened the door praying silently for your safety.

The sight he saw had haunted him for years on end, your body, barely alive, spread across a bathroom full of blood, blade in your hand and cuts on your wrist.

Taehyung got on his knees and put your torso on his lap desperately searching for a pulse on your neck.

You turned your head up at him at moved his hand away, his eyes were red and overflowing with tears. He looked down at you hopefully, waiting for some kind of assurance that you were going to be ok, that you were going to be alive. His eyes seemed to be searching yours for an answer to an unknown question and it halted just before you whispered with the last once of strength you had.
"Too little"
"Too late"
And then it all went black.

Im sorry to everyone still reading this book but im only apologising for the first few chapters Bc some of you continued reading for some reason.

Bangtan fluffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora