Perfect: Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty-One






          I stood at the foot of Mrs. Layman’s bed while ripping the sheets off to replace them with clean ones. For once, I was actually glad that she wasn’t in there. Usually, she would be around either sitting in her recliner, watching TV Land or either reading one of those old sappy romance novels. I giggled a little bit at the image; oh, how I wish my life could be that easy. I quickly tossed the old sheets on the floor and threw the new ones on the bed. I began tugging them under the bed and it was actually giving me a hard time because the sheets had shrunk a little bit in the washer, but soon I was met with a helping hand. Lizzy pulled the other side of the sheets to the opposite side of the bed, without saying a word.


          I frowned, “What are you doing here?” I asked quickly, wishing that she would just stop coming since her community service was up about a month ago. “You know you don’t have to keep coming.” I murmured, trying my best to keep my eyes away from hers because they only reminded me of Beau.


          Lizzy kept quiet for a moment or so, but soon she began speaking. “It’s my sixteenth birthday tomorrow.” She stated, while still focusing on the sheets.


          I slightly looked up at Lizzy and smiled, “Happy early birthday Liz.”


          I thought she would have said thanks or something like that but she didn’t. Lizzy dropped the sheets and sighed heavily, “That’s all? No where’s the party going to be? Would you really not show up to my birthday Emma?” She rambled on, as she stopped fumbling around with the sheets.


          Immediately, I giggled. “How was I supposed to know there was a party?” I asked, as I threw the pillows on the bed.


          “Well…Usually, when someone has a birthday there is a birthday party. I mean I’ll only turn sixteen once.” She said dramatically, while throwing her hands up in a big gesture. “You have to come Emma!”


          I shook my head, knowing that I wasn’t yet ready to face the rest of her family.  What if they all looked at me like I was crazy for showing up? What if no one even speaks to me? God, that would be extremely embarrassing. I havent even spoken to Samantha since everything had happened. Of course, she had text and called me tons of times...I just couldnt find the courage to answer because i was too afraid that she would hate me for everything i had done.


          “Lizzy, right now just isn’t the best time. I’ve got so much to do with dealing with school and…And…” I hesitated for a moment and looked up to her as she stared at me intently.

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