Perfect: Chapter Thirty-Seven

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He caught on to me not wanting to talk about it because he nodded, “Well, you have no idea how scared I was when I got that call Emma. Dean shouldn’t have been drinking and driving. I always knew that kid was reckless.” He said, hardheartedly. “I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to you.”

I cried, when he said this. “I’m sorry daddy. I have completely brought a bad name to this family and I am so sorry.”

He laughed, and then shook his head. “You have nothing to be sorry over. You followed your heart, and you deserve some credit for that. However, don’t let me find out that you and Beau are engaged until you are at least 25. Your poor old daddy will be paying off that expensive wedding for the rest of his life.” He said, while laughing.

I couldn’t help but giggled a little bit, because I knew he was only kidding with me. “You don’t have to worry about me and Beau getting married.” I murmured, while looking away. 

Daddy raised his eyebrows and looked at me confused, “Are you two not going to see each other now?”

I shook my head, no. “I-I can’t look at him the same anymore without thinking about Dean…Or the baby.” I said, as I sniffled.

He looked at me for a long moment, like he wanted to protest with my statement but he didn’t. He nodded his head and then leaned towards me to kiss me on the forehead. “Well baby girl, you know I am behind you no matter what.” He murmured.

I glanced over at my daddy for a moment, and I knew that he was telling me the truth. I think that both of us just wanted me to move on completely after Dean’s funeral.





Chapter Thirty-Seven








I sat in the corner of a small room off to the side of Dean’s family’s living room where no one else was. The thought of being in the large room with a hundred other condoling figures was too much for me to deal with. Some would look at me with sympathy, because to them, I was still Dean’s best friend and the guy that would have been his best man. However, others would look at me with mean or disgusted looks because they knew the whole story. The people that looked down upon me were those who had attended the rehearsal dinner and heard my whole speech. And then, there was Emma, who didn’t look at me at all. I couldn’t feel bad for myself though, because all in all, Emma was receiving the same glances as I was. However, she had her ‘best friend’ Bridgette following her around like a lost puppy and trying to wait on her hand and foot all morning. I guess Bridgette still hadn’t fessed up yet. Which, either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. It was no longer my place to tell Emma about Bridgette and Dean.


 I had done enough damage.


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