Chapter 27

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"Hey, be careful!" I yelled after Naruto, who was carrying Aki on his back. The blond was running around like a maniac, spinning in circles, and jumping around. Aki was nearly suffocating from laughing so hard. The store owners nearby were smiling and laughing, watching the two kids dicking around on the street.

"Kookie will be fine, I'm sure Naruto won't fall. They do this quite frequently." Kakashi held my hand, pulling me after the boys. 

We were off to the academy, as it was nearly time for Aki to take the genin exam. The sun was low in the sky, giving the streets of Konoha a nostalgic, warm glow.

We all walked along, Kakashi and I behind the two boys.

"It's hard to believe team seven is all grown up." Kakashi murmured to me.

"It's even harder to believe when Naruto acts like a ten year old." I shook my head as Naruto spun in a tight circle, laughing loudly with Aki.

"I know, he's almost eighteen now." I nearly stopped in shock. 

"What?" I'd never even gave a thought to how old Naruto was getting. Sakura and Sasuke too. 

Kakashi chuckled at my surprise. "Yeah, weird isn't it? And him and Sasuke are still technically genin. Sakura has been promoted to chunin."

I joined his mirth. "Two of the most powerful shinobi are still genin. That is funny."

"What are you two laughing about?"

I spun around and immediately locked eyes with a familiar raven haired young man. Usual smirk in place, the Uchiha gave his two old senseis a small wave.

"Sasuke!" I pulled the boy into a hug, smiling so hard I thought my face would split in two. "I'm so glad you came to your senses and didn't destroy Konoha!"

Sasuke twitched in annoyance, as if to say please don't bring that up.

Covering his discomfort, Sasuke pulled away from me. "Where's Aki? I want to see how much he's grown."

Kakashi looked on in confusion. "Wait, you have met Aki? And you didn't think to mention him to me once?"

Sasuke shrugged, and hurried ahead to greet Naruto and Aki. I ran my fingers through Kakashi's silver hair, distracting him from his indignant state. "Don't feel bad about it Kashi, you're in the loop now."

We reached the group of boys in front of the academy. Aki was hugging Sasuke around the waist, giggling excitedly.

"Sasuke nii-san, will you train with me again after my graduation test? I missed you!"

The Uchiha chuckled softly, surprising Naruto and Sakura, who had appeared at the raven haired boy's shoulder. "Of course Kookie, we can train together. But you have to pass first."

"Well, the whole crowd is here now." I smiled at the four young people in front of me. "Um, I suppose I'll formally introduce this munchkin. This is my son, Aki."

Kookie ran up to me, squeezing between Kakashi and I, grinning up at us. Kakashi just smiled affectionately back, ruffling Aki's hair.

Naruto looked a bit confused, looking between the three of us, as if trying to put the pieces together. Some things never change. "Wait... Hika-sensei... does that mean you... and..." He seemed to be struggling to understand that we actually... you know... made a child six years ago.

"Yes Naruto, now pay up!" Sakura said impatiently. Naruto gaped, then retrieved money from his pocket, handing it over to Sakura with a dazed look on his face. The kunoichi then turned to Sasuke, offering her hand. The Uchiha muttered something that sounded like 'I can't believe you remembered' and fished money out of his own pocket.

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