Chapter 26

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The annoying beeping noise roused me from my sleep. It seemed to corkscrew right into my budding headache, too. My eyes cracked open, and I nearly flinched at the bright sunlight streaming in from the window a few feet away. 

As I guessed, I was laid up in a hospital bed, feeling sore but ultimately better than I had the last time I was conscious. This was all good and fun, except that my mouth was so parched it felt like scorpions had been nesting on my tongue, and I was hungrier than I could remember being in years.

Thank Oprah I didn't have to wait long until a doctor came to check on me. 

When she entered the room I immediately recognized the soft pink hair and green eyes. "Sakura!"

The kunoichi smiled widely at me, hurrying over to give me a gentle hug (which was good, since my bones were still brittle).

"Hika-sensei, it's good to have you back. I can't believe its been nearly, what, six years? So much has happened, you wouldn't believe..."

"We all have our stories Sakura-chan. I'm sure we can catch up sometime. But for now, I'd really like some water, and food. How long was I out?"

Sakura checked the clipboard in front of her. "About... ten days. You nearly slipped into a coma, but Kakashi-sensei got you here in time for me to prevent that." A smirk crept onto her face. "By the way, I've seen a kid around here a lot lately, one who keeps visiting you. Quite cute, too. And very... trademark hair he seems to have..."

I rolled my eyes at the girl. "Yes yes Sakura. His name is Aki. He is nearly six years old. He has Kakashi's hair. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened."

Sakura grinned at me. "HA I knew it! Naruto owes me 500 ryo!"

I sighed in exasperation. "You two bet on us? Why?"

Sakura giggled at my somewhat flustered state. "Well, I said you two were totally together, but Naruto was sure you weren't. So I bet him that you would get together within two years, which you obviously did." She laughed. "Naruto kept saying Aki was just a coincidence, and we haven't gotten around to asking Kaka-sensei about it."

"Why not? It's been ten days. And where is everyone anyways? I thought they'd be here."

"Well, Katsumi and Teiko are looking at houses right now. They are officially citizens of Konoha, applying to become Leaf shinobi. Kaka-sensei and Aki stuck around a bit, right after you were admitted, but they disappear every day. I still don't know where they go, and no one really has seen them much. If they keep to schedule though, they should be visiting in about 30 minutes. They come in every day. I can bring you some food, and when you're done they should be here."

Sakura left the room to fetch me some food, and I settled back into my hospital bed. Closing my eyes, I sighed contentedly. Kakashi seemed to be taking the 'son' thing quite well. That was good. I wonder where they keep going...

A sudden draft made me open my eyes. The window was now open, and a masked face smiled at me from the sill.

"I see you're up, Kari. See, Kookie? I told you something was different today."

A little silver-haired head poked from over Kakashi's shoulder. Aki seemed to be riding on his back. 


Kakashi jumped into the room and Aki slid off his back, running right for me. Squeezing me in a hug, my son nestled his head in the crook of my neck, just like his dad used to do sometimes. 

Speaking of him, Kakashi came over as well. He joined our hug. "We're so glad you're okay, Kari."

The calm atmosphere was shattered by the loud snap of a camera. Sakura was standing in the doorway, camera in hand, shaking a Polaroid. "You guys are so cute!" She cooed. "And you're early. Hika-sensei needs to eat."

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