Chapter 16

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The cool morning breeze blew across my face as I stood next to Kakashi. The name engraved on the memorial stone in front of me shone in the early rays of sunlight.

Uchiha Asaki

I felt empty as I looked down at the stone. The only comfort I found was in Kakashi's arm, wrapped around my shoulder. Mine was in turn wrapped around his waist; his warm side keeping the spring chill from seeping into my bones.

Kakashi sighed, still looking at the names of his fallen friends. "You know, they would've wanted us to be happy. I know from experience that being stuck in the past, mourning for the dead is not a good place to be." I blinked away tears for what seemed like the millionth time.

"I know. It's just so hard... without her I don't know what to do..." I laid my head on Kakashi's shoulder (a stretch, since he was much taller than me), and he rested his head on top of mine.

"It's alright, I'll help you."


He really had. Kakashi had helped me. I no longer had the urge to bottle up my emotions, lay in bed for days, or even train until I collapsed. He knew exactly how to deal with grief. We spent so much time together people started referring to us as one person. They knew we were a packaged deal. Yuro spent more time in physical form, saying that he didn't want to 'interrupt' us.

Though in all that time, we still hadn't talked about the kiss. Not until a month later was that night brought up.

Kakashi and I sat on the large windowsill in his apartment bedroom, the only light coming from the moon. The sweet night air held traces of impending summer. We sat silently, gazing out at a sleeping Konoha; my hand enveloped in his large one, our fingers laced.

Kakashi broke the silence "You know, there's something that's been on my mind for a while..." I looked up at him, already knowing what he was going to say.
"That kiss." He nodded at my reply.

"I didn't want more things for you to worry about, but I'm just wondering what it meant to you."

"What did it mean to you?" I questioned back, my voice soft.

He turned finally to look me full in the face. His forehead protector was off, but the sharingan remained closed, as did mine.

"I think you know."

I smiled at his answer. I slowly raised my hand to his face, pulling the mask down as I had before. The fabric pooled around his collarbones and Kakashi's face was again revealed to me. I felt a rush of fluttering butterflies in my stomach.

Kakashi then took initiative; he gently held my face, pulling me into a tender kiss.

My hands crept into his soft hair, lightly tugging at the ends, the way I remember he liked it. I tried to move closer, but ended up pushing us both off the windowsill, landing on his apartment floor in a heap.

I laughed quietly, and Kakashi's deep chuckles soon joined. I sent him a small grin before crawling onto my hands and knees. Kakashi sat up, pulling me into his lap, and kissed the tip on my nose. "We are a huge mess aren't we Kari-chan?"

I merely smiled and pressed my lips back to his. Shifting closer as I straddled Kakashi's lap, I arched against him, giving me a bit of deja vu. Wet kisses trailed down my neck, and I moaned as Kakashi sucked lightly on my collarbone. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist and I was lifted from our spot on the floor. My back sank into Kakashi's bed as he hovered over me, still placing kisses on my skin.

"Hey Kashi," I gasp breathlessly "Do you wanna have sex with me?"

Kakashi stopped kissing me, smiling bemusedly at my bluntness. "Yeah, I do. Why, do you want to have sex with me?"

I was trying to contain my laughter and keep a straight face at this point "Maybe."

Kakashi smirked at me, and I immediately felt disquiet. "Well, what if I do this?" Kakashi kissed my neck, right under my ear while rolling his hips against mine. I let out a gasp, which quickly turned into a moan.

"Okay, okay, I really do want to have sex with you, just stop the teasing please."

Kakashi laughed, pulling me into a deep heated kiss...


Kakashi's POV

I was awoken the next morning by the feeble rays of sunlight poking through thin curtains, my arms wrapped around Kari's bare waist. The woman was curled next to me, her head on my chest. I could smell her vanilla-and-orange scented shampoo, and feel her soft hair on my skin. This is how I'd like to wake up every morning.

Knowing her, Hikari would be hungry when she woke up. I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping woman, and quickly threw on some sweatpants. Padding into the kitchen, I begin to rummage through my fridge.

Turns out I really need to go grocery shopping; The only thing I had were eggs and, for some odd reason, half a jar of green olives. I didn't even eat olives.

Turning on the stove, I start cracking the eggs. I know Hikari likes them scrambled, which is fortunate. Scrambled eggs were basically the extent of my cooking abilities.

When I hear footsteps in the hallway, I look up to see Hikari. She looks beautiful as always; her hair was messy, and all she was wearing was a big long-sleeved shirt, which I recognized as mine. I sent her a quick but affectionate smile, then resumed concentrating on cooking. "Toast?" I asked.

Hikari nodded, and started pulling out bread. She also procured butter, from where I don't even know. I hadn't seen any in my nearly empty refrigerator. I'd started to think that that woman could do magic. We both worked in a comfortable silence, making breakfast in perfect tandem. I finally set two plates of eggs on the counter, and Hikari slid two pieces of buttered toast on each plate. As I sat down, she walked to the fridge and pulled out the jar of olives. After checking the date, she popped two in her mouth, grinning at my surprised expression.

(AN- Anybody remember the olive thing from How I Met Your Mother?)


Sorry for the abrupt ending, I didn't have anything else for this chapter, and It's already over 1000 words. Also, I've changed the timeline a bit, so Hikari is 22 at the beginning of this book, and now is 23. Kakashi is two years older than her if you're wondering. Lemme just say trying to fit stuff in with the canon timeline is very hard. It's all kinds of fucked up. Thanks for sticking with me through this

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ps. as I was editing, I realized I wrote 'shin' instead of 'skin' so I tried to fix it but ended up only highlighting the -in (rather than -hin), then I typed -kin so it read shkin and I've been laughing for ten minutes it's like skin with a lisp just say it out loud wtf I need to calm down

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