Chapter 20

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*over two years later

Babies suck.

This is the thought that constantly goes through my mind as I pull yet another kunai out of the little child's pudgy hands. Raising one here was also a challenge. Honestly, baby-proofing an Akatsuki hideout was near impossible.

"Kookie, come back!" The two year old payed no heed to my cooed words, instead choosing to stumble away from me, giggling happily. He had started to walk about two months ago, and now I could barely keep track of him. I scooped up the toddler, tickling his stomach.

My son was born healthy, with all his fingers and toes as I hoped. Aki had inherited his father's dark eyes and soft silver hair, although I assume all babies' hairs were soft.

I resumed my place at my desk, Aki curled in my lap. The cat, Miki, was sleeping in a cardboard box on the floor at my feet. For an unknown reason, Deidera and Tobi had brought it back from an outing. The weirdos. I shook my head at the memory, then turned my attention to the notebook paper for the fourth time that evening.


Aki had gotten so big, you wouldn't believe it. He really takes after you, with that silver hair. I can't help but think of you every time I look at him. The little monster is getting up to all sorts of mischief, trying to play with dangerous weapons already! He's going to be a great shinobi someday. Earlier today, I caught Deidera trying to show him how to throw a shuriken. That idiot needed stitches after I was done with him.

I'm sorry I haven't written in so long, there's so much I want to tell you. Aki said his first word a few months ago. I was talking to Itachi about Konoha, and he must've been listening. He said 'Home'. I almost cried I was so proud, and sad. I really want to come home. To see you again. I miss you so much Kashi. I know you'd want to meet your son, too. He speaks a lot more now, It's really cute. Walks too!

*second page

Also, Kashi, the search for my old clan is going quite slowly. Those shitheads are very good at hiding, they've been doing it for years. Raiden is also no one to mess with. If I could get my chakra back, things might be different, but my little brother still has it sealed within him. I have a pretty fucked up family don't I? So as not to put you or anyone else I love in danger, I must eliminate Raiden before returning to the Leaf. It's hard to plot an execution when you're frantically running around after Akatsuki members, though.

Crap, Kookie is getting into my ninja tool bag again. Gotta go! I hope everything is great back home, tell Naruto I say hi. He should be coming home soon, right?

I miss you more than the stars miss the moon

Lots of Love,


I smiled, finishing one of my many unsent letters to Kakashi. It had started as a pregnancy journal, me documenting each week so that Kakashi could read it later. After Aki was born, I'd started writing him letters. It was difficult to write regularly, since caring for a child and dangerous S-ranked criminals was hard work. I wanted so badly to send the letters, but I couldn't. That would just make it worse.

Miki jumped on the desk, scattering my papers and scaring the shit out of me. He was a sweet cat, with soft black fur, and lots of patience, which is invaluable when dealing with a toddler. However he really could make a mess of my desk.

Aki really was trying to unfasten my ninja pouch, so I quickly crossed the room to prevent any injury. Glancing at the clock, I decided now would be a good time to start making dinner. My role as chef had greatly enhanced my cooking abilities, and even Sasori had commented on this. I smiled at the memory as I left my room.

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