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*18 years ago

Shizuka Hikari was just four years old, but the young girl was already under surveillance from the rest of her clan. And, unbeknownst to all, Orochimaru. The slippery snake had just started his experimental testing on children, and he wanted her.

The Shizuka Clan was thought to have branched long ago from the Nara clan. The latter is known for their shadow-possession jutsu. The Shizuka clan's kekkei genkai was a bit different. They could manipulate shadows without handsigns, and could 'melt' into shadows. This is a very handy ability for stealth. However their talents were flawed. Mostly because their manipulation was weak and they could only become shadows for about 10 minutes. This is where Hikari stood out. 

Hikari was noted as special three weeks after birth. Her parents lost her for 54 hours because she became a shadow in the corner of her nursery. At age two, Hikari began playing with shadows, forming them like clay. This worried her parents, and the rest of the clan. Her developing chakra control was quite impressive too. 

Her kekkei genkai caught the attention of Orochimaru, the legendary sannin hiding in the ally as Hikari toddled through town one bright spring day. He was the one who kidnapped her.

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