Crack! :3

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Well,just to spice things up by making more jokes then why not make one? Haha,I'm still in process of 2 requests tho but.... Being a comedian,I can't help it but make jokes.

So here we go!

/Time 12:00 A.M

Slenderman: *going to Jeff's room and gets inside to see Jeff playing his victim (Like stabbing it T^T poor victim)*

Jeff: *sees Slendy and stops stabbing* Sup,Slenderp?

Slenderman: -_-" Its already 12 a.m,Jeffrey.... You are supposed to be asleep now.

Jeff: *rolls his eyes then drops his victim at the window* I know that... But no need to worry,I'll sleep.

Slenderman: *sighs* Okay,that's good... *about to leave*

Jeff: Wait... Before you go... I have to tell you something.

Slenderman: Okay? *raises his non-existent brow*

Jeff: Knock Knock

Slenderman: -.- Who's there?

Jeff: Sleep

Slenderman: -__- Sleep who?

Jeff: I will not sleep :P

Slenderman: -_-* Jeffrey...

Jeff: *jumps out of ze window* Hahaha,catch me if you can!

Slenderman: JEFFREY! *teleports and chases Jeff*

XD if this isn't funny then welp,that was worth a shot heh.
Hmm... I'll try my best to make more funny jokes,kay? ;)

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