Chapter 2

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The next few weeks of her life were bliss in comparison to her last ten years. They began to feed her more, and made her do more physical exercise but nothing absurd. She was getting stronger and her strength bread newfound confidence. She spent most of the time that she was in her cell trying to move that desk that blocked the breeze, but it was like it was bolted to the ground.

Then, one day it happened. There was a loud snap under the desk as if something had broken. She pushed the desk far to the right and discovered the source of the noise. Under the desk, drilled into the ground were several holes through which metal buckles were lased and clasped to its bottom, these had been holding the table down and Kiran had broken them allowing her to finally discover the source of the draft. A poorly boarded, large grate that extended through the wall behind the desk. 'Guess this was probably their poor excuse for air conditioning but someone must have tried to escape through it beforehand which is why they needed to block it,' Kiran thought.

Just then the loud clang of the door unlocking rang through her room.

"Damn it!" Kiran wasn't ready to try and escape yet, she needed a plan but she also knew how this looked and knew she wouldn't have anytime to fix this before one of The Doctors walked in. So, she did the only thing she felt would be wise to do in this situation, she began to kick the boards in. She had managed to knock most of the central ones in before the heavy door began to slowly swing open, it wasn't enough space to crawl through, but now the doctor could see her. He began to swing the door faster she kept kicking and kicking desperately trying to get all the boards out of the way. The doctor was in the room now and began to bolt across right as Kiran's reflexes kicked in and she instantaneously drove herself through the empty grate in front of her. She felt the hand of a doctor brush against her leg as she slid out into the wilderness on the other side. She spent no time taking it in, she ran with all her might glancing back on what appeared to be only an old wooden cabin. The cabin she'd been trapped inside her entire life. She was finally free from it all, free from the neglect, from the anger, from the pain, from the despair. Suddenly she tripped and in her desperate but futile attempt to not fall she ended up sliding across the forest floor against her knees. She couldn't stop to think about, she wouldn't even give herself the chance to look upon her wounds. She had to keep running, running was the only thing that could save herself now.

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