Chapter 1

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It was dark and cold when one of them woke her via a boot in her side, "Get up, it's time to go," he said in a cold, level tone as he bent down to undo the lock that chained her to the wall.

"Wh – who are you?" Kiran was confused, this didn't make any sense. The doctors were crazy and sadistic but they never, not once, called for her to do tests in the middle of the night.

"Well, what are you waiting for," he was beginning to sound a bit agitated.

Kiran didn't want to stand, she was terrified of what might be happening but she complied anyways. She knew doing what they asked of her would result in less harsh treatment. The trick to surviving in this hell hole was keeping the doctors happy.

He grabbed her by the arm and led her up the stairs unlocking the cellar doors and leading Kiran into a bleak, brightly lit, white hall with a set of double doors at one end, about two meters to her left and a large oak door at the other end, about a meter away. Kiran always imagined it was a door out of this place, seeing as she had never been in that direction, but never really believed she'd have the chance to test that theory.

The Doctor who had woken her tugged at Kiran as he began moving towards the double doors. She could finally get a good look of him in this lighting. This man was tall, with a chiseled chin lightly brushed with brown hair, he wore thick black glasses and a white lab coat, as they all did. He carried Kiran through the doors.

On the other side was a large central space bathed a pale shade of blue as a result of the lighting. In this central space existed an array of mobile lab tables each laced with scalpels, beakers, dissection trays, burner plates, just about anything a scientist could possibly want to preform whatever experiment they'd like. Mounted on the ceiling were numerous styles of lasers, tools of magnification, and monitors display everything from x-rays to Britannica pages. Lining the lay of the room where multiple doors each leading into a specialized chamber. Most of them she hadn't seen but she had seen enough of them to be frightened by the prospect of being introduced to a new one. Which was exactly what it seem like this Doctor was trying to do. He led her through the maze of lab tables towards the far back of the central space.

Kiran's heart rate began to elevate, and she broke into a cold sweat, before beginning to thrash around in the doctors arm, attempting to escape.

"Where are you taking me? I haven't done anything wrong! I haven't done anything," Kiran was screaming in the shrillest, terror filled voice she had ever mustered in her life.

The Doctor sighed heavily in exasperation, "Why don't you just shut up and calm down. No one is punishing you. In fact, these next few weeks are likely to be the best of your life"

'Best of her life?' What the hell was that supposed to mean? How could this shit hole possibly get any better? Kiran's train of though was interrupted by the loud slam of what must have been a huge lock from the sound of it. The Doctor pushed the door wide open and shoved Kiran in.

"Welcome to paradise, girlie," He chimed almost sarcastically with a shrewd, unsettling grin, before closing the door and locking it, with another loud slam, behind him.

The room was spacious. Or at least a lot larger than she was expecting for it to be. It was covered in dirt and had vines and shrubs growing out of the corners something she found to be very odd. She got up and walked towards the wall to her right. She placed her hand on the vines and started following them down. As she moved them closer and closer to the ground she began to feel a slight breeze coming from behind a fairly large desk. She braced her hands against the desk and began to push; it wouldn't budge. So, she got on her back and tried to push with her legs. Still nothing. "Damn," Kiran whispered to herself. She was hoping for a potential way out but apparently the doctors still knew exactly what they were doing. 'Well , might as well get some more sleep then,' She thought as she hopped into a bed along the far wall of the room and experienced the most comfortable sleep she'd had in ten years.

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