2. Waking Up

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I slowly begin to wake and try to open my eyes. There are people around me who are constantly talking, but I can't understand what they say. It's just too hard to focus on it. I'm not sure, but I think one of them is my father Henry. One of the others might be my mother Cora, but I'm not sure.

I blink a few times with my eyes, because the light above me is too bright to keep my eyes open, but after a few more tries I'm able to do so. At first my sight is completely blurry, but as the time passes I'm able to see more and more. My sight gets clearer and clearer until I see daddy looking at me with a little smile on his face. "Welcome back my princess" he says. "Daddy? Back from where? Where am I?" I ask while I try to remember what happened. Before my father can say anything I know from the way he looks down at me with a sad face that something terrible has happened and he doesn't know how to tell me. "Please tell me!" I beg while I try to sit up a bit straighter. Daddy helps me up and answers "You're in the hospital Regina. You've been in an accident. How much do you remember?". I look around in my room while I try remember what had happened. Then I see my mother and sister sitting next to my bed. They both have the same sad look on their faces. I knew something must be wrong. I begin to remember "Daniel and I have been on our way back to New York. There was this car. It forced us off the road. Then there is nothing. It all happened so fast!". I immediately think of Daniel." Even though I was afraid of the answer I asked "Where is Daniel? How is he?". Daddy holds my hands in his when he said: "I'm so sorry Regina. He died in the accident.". My eyes fill with tears and they start falling down my cheeks. My body is shaking and he puts his arms around me and holds me close while I cry into his shoulder. He tries to comfort me by whispering soothing words into my ear, but there is nothing he can do to make me feel better. "No! Not my Daniel. Please tell it's not true!" I managed to say with a broken voice. He didn't answer because he knew there is nothing he can say that will comfort me. Zelena sits down on the other side of the bed and hugs me as well. I know they only want the best for me and I really appreciate it, but I know there is nothing they can do to help me. Only Daniel could have comforted me. The thought of never seeing him again, never feeling his loving touch and gentle kisses is too painful for me. Thinking of him makes me cry even harder.

My life has been absolutely perfect before the accident. I can't believe all this is over forever. Now I realise that it only takes a few seconds to change a life forever. I never thought I had to live without him ever again. My heart is broken into a thousand pieces and there is nobody who will help me to pick up the pieces. I cry until I feel tired and fell asleep in daddy's arms. When I was a little girl he was always there for me. He took care of me when I was sick and he comforted me whenever I woke up from a nightmare. With him I feel safe in the same way I felt with Daniel near me. He'd do anything to keep me safe.


Several hours have passed until I wake up again. I feel a lot calmer now. They must have given me some drugs to calm me down. As soon as I think about Daniel my eyes fill with tears again, but I don't start to cry again. Daddy is now sitting next to me while he holds my hand. He looks up when he feels me moving and lifts his head to look at me. "Are you feeling better now honey?" he asks softly. The little smile is back on his face. "Yes a bit." is all manage to say before I cough due to my dry throat from all the crying earlier. Before I can say anything he hands me a glass of water which I drink immediately. I still feel terribly sad and depressed, but I try not to cry again, because I know once the tears start to fall I won't be able to stop them. Telling my parents how I really feel won't change anything. I'm sure of it. They'd only be more worried about me than they already are. I still feel extremely tired and worn out like I've just finished a long day filled with work at the office. My crying earlier must have costed me quite some energy. "I'll go and see if I find you doctor." my mother says softly as she walks over to my bed and squeezes my hand in an attempt to comfort me. I know she only wants the best for me and I appreciate it. She usually hides her feelings from everyone, but I can feel it's hard for her to see me like this, weak and broken. Maybe even harder than it is for me. I might not have much in common with my mother, but we both hate being weak in front of others.
As soon as my mother is out of the room, Zelena comes over and hugs me tight without saying anything. A few minutes later Cora is back followed by a female doctor. Her dark blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She pulls out a chair and smiles at me. The way she sits there directly looking at me and her whole appearance have a calming effect on me.

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