"Oh!" Harry said in surprise as Niall and him walked hand in hand into the festival at the park. He loved coming here because it brought him so many good memories. It was hard not to want to go to the festival because of those memories. 

And it's almost been a whole full year since they've been here.

"Let's go play some games," Niall suggested. Harry nodded and allowed Niall to lead the way to the game booths. 

Of course Harry wanted to go to the booth where you pop the balloons with darts. Their aim had certainly improved as Harry watched Niall keep aiming straight towards the balloons. Harry and Niall ended up winning large stuffed animals. Niall decided to give his panda to Harry as Harry tried to juggle carrying a big panda and a teddy bear. 

One of the other booths they went to was shooting basketballs into hoops which Harry found impossible to do since they were both in coats and because it was December. 

"It's freaking December who's bright idea was this?" Harry asked as he tried to aim at the hoop, missing it entirely.

"That's just your excuse for sucking horribly," Niall laughed as he kept shooting into the hoop until the hoop began moving left and right. 

"Eat yours words up, babe," Harry joked as he leaned against his game station with his arms crossed. He was watching Niall trying to aim at the moving hoops but he kept missing it. After Niall finished the game, Harry grabbed his wrists and pulled him forwards for a kiss. 

Niall at first was surprised but right when he was melting into the kiss, Harry pulled away with a teasing smiled. "We should go see what else is there."

"You're such a tease," Niall whined, picking up Harry's stuffed animals and following him. He heard Harry laugh along with a promise that they'd finish later. Niall smiled. 

Harry walked along the park, admiring the scenery. The sun was setting and the lights that were hung all around were becoming more and more luminous. They gave off a warm vibe that Harry found comforting.

"We should go to the photo booth again," Harry said suddenly once he spotted the photo booth. Niall quickly followed along, setting the stuffed animals aside as Harry pulled him inside the small box, closing the curtain after him. 

"Remember the first time we were in here?" Niall said quietly, wrapping his hands with Harry's. Harry couldn't help but grinning widely at the thought.

"I probably will never forget. I was so nervous," Harry kept on smiling as he put in two coins in the coin slot. They both watched the screen illuminate before them and the familiar robot voice talking to them. 

The countdown began. 

"Harry?" Niall said.


"I love you."

Harry turned his head towards Niall. Niall met his gaze and they both smiled. "I love you too, Niall."

The camera clicked. 

In the second picture, Harry held Niall's face, squishing his cheeks and giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

In the third picture, Niall had wrapped his arms around Harry's frame and hid his face in Harry's neck. For a moment, after hearing the camera click, he stayed still and just held in his arms the most important person in his life. 

For the fourth picture, Harry decided it would be cheesy if they both made a heart with their hands. Niall went along, laughing as they pressed their hands together to make a heart. 

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