"You'll be fine, I promise." She smiles at me as she pulls away. She cups my cheeks in her hands, "I love you Snow." I see tears welding in her eyes as my own begin to cloud my vision. I allow one tear to escape as I nod. Wiping my cheek, I pull her into another hug.

"I love you too, mom." 

Before I know it, she's pulled away, rushed downstairs and out of the door. Another sigh escapes my lips as I plop back down onto my bed. I don't know why I'm so sad about this, I'm really just afraid that something might happen to her while she's gone. I haven't been without my mom since I was a small child- and even then, she wasn't gone for months at a time. I hope she has fun though; she hasn't had a break since she's had me. And that was a very long time ago.

"So.." Nate shifts uncomfortably. I turn to look at him, getting snapped out of my thoughts. Anger rises through my body as I realize that he's done nothing but been a total jerk since I've met him.

"Why would you even say yes to her? Just so you can hurt me? I don't even want to look at you, let alone live with you for two months! What is your problem?" I screamed at him. 

"Snow, I didn't mean it.." He lets out a small breath, running a hand through his hair as he stared down at his feet.

"Like I said, if you didn't mean it, you wouldn't have said it." I growl. "I don't need you here at night, I already have a hard enough time sleeping as it is."

He looks back up at me curiously, dropping his hand.

"What do you mean?" He asks. 

Look at that, Snow. You let out another secret. You need to keep your mouth shut before we have to move again!

I shake my head.

"Nothing, forget I said anything."

"No, Snow. Tell me." He comes closer to the bed taking a seat beside me. "You can tell me anything." 

I scoff at his words, slightly amused that he thinks that I'd tell him anything after what he said.

"Yeah, so you can just use it against me, right?" I roll my eyes. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." I push all of my textbooks off of my blanket aggressively, trying to hit him in the process.

"It's only nine..." He pulls out his phone, clicking a button on the side to turn the screen on then turns it back off and places it back in his pocket. "And it's a Friday. Come on Snow, live a little." He says, and once again I roll my eyes.

"Good night." I say, pulling the blanket up and over my body as I turn to my side, facing away from him. He sighs out, pushing himself off of my bed slowly. He stands with his hand on the light switch for a few long seconds, before I hear the click of the light.

"Goodnight, Snowflake." He sighs again then slowly closes my door. 

What am I going to do about him?


"Leah, wake up! Wake up!" My mom shakes me furiously, her voice trembling in fright.

"What is it mommy?" I rub my eyes with the back of my hands, my high-pitched voice seeming to echo through the quiet shelter.

"They found us sweetie, hurry! Grab your blanket," She picks up my small body with haste, then runs out of the shelter we'd been staying in. My legs don't fit around her waist, but my arms were wrapped around neck, and I keep the blanket wrapped tightly around my body as we run through the cold winter snow. I hear a loud growl coming from behind us, making curiosity spread throughout my body. I turn around to see a large white figure with bright blue eyes chasing after us. It howls, making a cold shiver spread through my body. He begins to run faster towards us, making my mom panic.

Without a chance to react, I feel my mother grip me by my waist and throw me as hard as she can, trying to get me as far away from her as possible.

"Run!" She screams. "Don't stop for anything!"

I cry out as I fall into a pile of snow, turning back to look at her.

"Mommy don't leave me!" 

She turns around and starts to fight the wolf. Her cries out in pain echo through the woods as the wolves' fangs tear into her leg. She hits him in the head over and over with all of her strength, but he does not budge. I scream at the top of my lungs at the scene, backing up slightly.

"No!" I yell as I see his mouth wrap around her throat, causing her lifeless body to collapse. He snarls as he licks his lips, his eyes on me before charging towards me. I scream out in fright, falling to the ground as I cover my face with my hands.

"Snow! Snow, Wake up!" I hear Nate's voice and feel my body shaking. I open my eyes, flinching when I see how close Nate's face was to me. I struggle to catch my breath, noticing my body was drenched in sweat. "Are you alright?"  His hair is a bit messier than usual and he's also missing a shirt.

With the shock from the dream still fresh in my mind, I nod my head.

"Uh..." I clear my throat. "What time is it?"

"Like three, are you okay?" He asks again. I start to shake my head lightly, but then nod. 

It's better if he doesn't know what's going on with me. I'm sure he'd have a field day learning all of my secrets. 

"I'm fine, it was just a dream." I pull my lower lip between my teeth, unable to meet his gaze. He lets out a small breath, nodding his head. He seemed to decide not to push it any further, standing from my bed. Part of me wanted to let him go back to his room, but a bigger part of me wanted to forget about what happened earlier today just for the night. 

The bigger part of me won.

"Wait!" I let out, watching as his head snaps in my direction, stopping as his fingers brush against the doorknob.

"Yes?" He asks, making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Do you think you could stay with me tonight? They go away when I'm touching someone else." I ask quietly, my eyes falling from his gaze back down to my lap. I hear a silent celebration coming from him before he takes a few steps back toward the bed then lays down next to me. I turn my back to him. "Don't get any idea's though, this means nothing."

"Don't worry Snowflake, I won't do anything." I hear him say and I nod my head, pulling the covers up over my shoulders. 

Just as I'm about to fall back asleep, I feel his arm snake around my waist and my body become pressed against his. My eyes fling open as my heartbeat begins raging in my chest, yet Nate acted as if he were unfazed. I decide to leave our position as is, closing my eyes and snuggling back into my pillow.

In his defense, I did say when I'm touching someone. Besides, this is only for the night. I'm not forgiving him so easily.

Hii! Thanks for reading loves!! You truly are amazing!!!!!!! Remember I'm sorry for mistakes, ill fix when I'm done with the book.

Shoutout to @ProudDirectioner1994 for guessing 3,000 Miles by Emblem 3!

Here's the new song!

Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones. And I will try, to-

1st person to guess gets a shoutout!

{Here's a secret, if you look it up on Google you'll know the answer and you'll get a shoutout! Hehe.}

Leaving this cause why not (:

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