Chapter Nine- Unorthodox Option

Start from the beginning

 “I’ve heard stories of a doctor of a tribe in Brazil. He is… innovational. I tend to be old fashioned, but this seems like the only choice you might have if you want her to live.”

“What does he do? How can he fix her?” Hope was draping itself over Dean, calming him.

“It’s only been successful once, but he turned a human into a werewolf,” air was sucked out of the room, realization dawning.

“He turned someone? He turned a human?!” Antoine’s face was hard and angry, frustration making a debut.

“He has nothing to do with our pack, Antoine, there’s nothing we can do. I’m just suggesting seeking his help if you want her to survive.”

Turn into a werewolf, that’s my only option for life?

“Let’s do it. I don’t care how unorthodox it is, this needs to happen,” Dean’s voice was resolute.

“Dean, it’s only been successful once. If he fails, she’s dead,” the doctor informed.

“I’m dead anyways,” I spoke up for once, making my presence known. “If I go and he fails, I die. If I stay here, I die. And he attempts on humans, I’m already on my way to being a wolf and I’m not a human, it might have better success.”

A tension filled silence enveloped the room, consuming all of us.

“Dad, I need to try,” his voice was soft and vulnerable, eyes giving away how worried he really was.

My heart swelled looking at his caring face. His insides were killing him as much as mine were killing me. If I died, I had a feeling Dean wouldn’t be too alive.

“We’ll make arrangements, until then, see if there is any other option Doctor Keith,” Antoine finally spoke. “Keep her cravings at bay; she’ll need her strength and health.”

“Yes, father,” Dean’s face was serious but a smile blossomed in his eyes.

“No one,” his voice turned rigid and dominant. “And I mean, no one finds out about this.”

“Yes, sir,” the three men spoke in unison before being dismissed.

“You’re going to be okay,” Dean whispered on my neck before he picked me up from the cold leather chair, holding me tight in a warm embrace.

“I’m going to be a werewolf,” I almost smiled. Was I excited about being a shape shifting murderous animal?

“We live in the forest, so you won’t murder people, but I’m glad you’re not freaked out about it,” he smiled, pulling back from my neck.

“Shit, I have to figure this whole mind reading thing out, and I am freaked out about this,” I muttered.

“I’m here for you, don’t worry. And it’s not ‘mind reading’, it’s a chemical link we have. When you’re in the pack, you automatically share the same blood as the others, so mind link comes as soon as you first change. Besides that, you can only develop the bond through marking, implementing my DNA in you.”

“So I can only talk to you?”

“Ya, it’s not that extensive. That’s why it’s kind of a big deal to only mate within the pack. The only exception is to join two tribes,” his eyes averted mine, looking guiltily at the floor.

“Why did you do it, why did you mark me?” The burning desire to find out what was going on in his head was festering. He was the heir to be the Alpha of the largest pack in Western America. His responsibilities were supposed to be number one priority.

“Because it’s you… for me, it’s only you. Werewolf or not,” he met my eyes again, smiling while a blush stained his cheeks.

“It’s you for me, too,” an involuntary smile bloomed across my face. Regardless of the fact that our very DNA was connected and we physically and chemically melded ourselves to each other, ‘I love you’ seemed kind of soon. But this felt right, he was mine, I was his, and that wasn’t going to change.

“You really think this is going to work? You think he can change me into a werewolf?” My voice deceived my intentions, letting worry slip out.

“It’s going to be okay, he’ll fix everything. I’m not going to lose you.”

My voice got soft, feeling his worn shirt under my finger tips and his warm breath against my cheek. “Dean, what if I die?”

“I hear the afterlife is awesome. Save me a seat,” he tried to smile, but it couldn’t reach his eyes.

“Seriously, Dean. You’ll be okay, right?”

“I was serious, too. And no, I won’t be. So don’t die, okay?”

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