I shift my gaze so that I could get a better look.

My eyes land on the familiar raven heard locks of the schools biggest mystery. Damian Wayne. The schools quiet sharp witted bad boy. The phrase bad boy is tossed around as Damian went from schools biggest mystery bully who could make a grown man cry with a look of his eyes to the schools so called most attractive male. Even with his perfect academic grades. He had everyone wrapped around his little finger.

Damian took no notice in girls. He was cold and harsh with cunning remarks. That was until last years there was a rumour about him and a precious girlfriend. Then he was found at house parties and big flashy events.

" Looks like Damian isn't happy." Jake muttered rolling his eyes.

I watched as he sat down beside the dark haired brunette. Her smile barely melting his cold exterior.

" The guy is such— such a Jerk. " I mutter to myself as I open up the blank notepad.

Jake scoffed as he watched me struggle to find the perfect insulting word. Amusement sparkle in his eyes.

" Really a Jerk was the best you could come up with." Jake swung back on his chair laughing. Wiping away fake tears with his hand.

" Shut up Jake." I groan flicking his arm. Watching as he wobbled almost loosing his balance.

Believe me when I say I know all of this guy's weaknesses. Jake cried when we watched old Disney films when I was sick.

We sat in class listening to our Maths teacher ramble on aimlessly into thin air. It was the same in every lesson. Hardly anyone payed attention. Most sat on their phones stuck under the desks whilst others doodled.

Whilst I scribbled down notes Jake swung on his chair, at times playing with strands of my hair of pretending he grew a blonde moustache with some strands to get my attention.

The bell rang signalling first lesson over and we would all leave the room like mindless zombies. Everyone would lazily grab their stuff making their way out to their next class.
This went on for what felt like forever. Until finally it was lunch, everyone filed into the cafeteria.

I sat in my usual spot by one of the windows looking out onto the front of the building.

I've almost made it a full day and Jake hasn't pushed his questions further. No one knows. They don't know. I'm fine.

I just need to relax and stop thinking about it all. But no mater how hard I try I can't. I can't stop. It's all I can think about.

Flashes off the chaotic memory kept flashing before my eyes. My hands grasping onto the cafeteria table, my knuckles almost turning white as the images of her body flashed through my vision. The loud noise of the cafeteria becoming white noise as the laughter and talking dialled out. My eyes darting around the room in frantic stares as I slowly began to bury my head into my now shaking hands.

" Well that was entertaining."

I let out a sharp gasp. The noise of the rooming filtering back into my eardrums faster than the speed of light. Jake raspy voice snapped me out of my vision. The vision that plagued my thoughts not only in my sleep but now my conscious mind. Jumping slightly I snap my eyes to his.

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