I smiled. I couldn't stop looking at her, as if this were the last time I'd see her. It probably was. I looked at her and wondered if I'd have the strength to leave her again. Unless...

"Am I dead?"

Asaki laughed. "No, girl, you're not dead. And you better not die. I don't expect to see you again for quite a while. You still have to live your life, with your son, reunite with Kakashi and team seven. So much to do. And anyways, I enjoy living vivaciously through you. The afterlife would be boring if I couldn't see whats going on with you." She looked around at the fading darkness. "You need to go back now. Help your son defeat Raiden, and go home."

The figure in my arms was dissipating, leaving me cold and empty. I felt my heart break a little more.

Aki was coming into better focus. he was whispering words to me, and had finished fixing my fingers. I slowly lifted my hand, clasping my son's, forming the proper handsign. "Lets do this, Aki."

Kakashi's POV

Aki and Kari changed handsigns, and I felt instantly nauseous. Shadows from trees, the building, and anything else nearby where whisked away, pulled inexplicably towards Aki. They swirled around the boy, faster and faster, growing darker all the time as more shadows joined.

I could hardly see Aki and Hikari now, the shadows had grown so dark. The kid screamed something from within the mass of darkness, and all the shadows snapped into position. They jumped into the form of a large wolf, much like the one Yuro often appears as.

The wolf was solid, dark, and huge. Eyes shone like white beacons under the thick shadow fur. It seemed to obey the boy, as it crept froward, stalking Raiden, who didn't look so cocky now.

I watched with fascination as the wolf leaped at Raidan, who threw his arms in front of his face. However, instead of colliding with Raiden, the wolf simply passed through him. His shocked look turned to pain, as I finally realized what the wolf had done. Instead of going for Raiden himself, Aki had sent the wolf after Raidens shadow.

The full moon illuminated the clearing well, and yet Raiden had no shadow. It had been ripped away by the wolf, which had proceeded to tear it to shreds. Looking at the man with my sharingan, I could see no chakra. It seemed to have been ripped from him along with his shadow.

Raiden stood, stock-still. Then he crumpled, like a marionette who's strings had been cut. Silence rang through the clearing, as everyone wondered how someone so powerful could have been taken out in about 45 seconds. After years of planning, this seemed almost anti-climactic.

The silence was broken when Hikari let out a whimper, slumping against Aki. "Good job kiddo, I knew you could do it just as well as me." She chuckled softly.

I hurried forward, pulling Hikari into my arms. Aki didn't seem to like this. As he was about to snap at me, Hikari spoke to the boy. "It's okay Aki. Kakashi is here to help. We're going back to Konoha."

Aki stood, speechless. He was shaken from his reverie by a groan from Katsumi. The boy hurried over to the woman, a hand already glowing green to heal her.

"Kashi..." Hikari's voice was soft and tender. She had changed very little in nearly six years. I brushed my fingers over her cheek, gazing tenderly at her half-closed eyes. Her hand slipped from my face, instead fluttering over my arm. The familiar green glow fell on the long sut on my arm, healing it in seconds.

I heard Aki yell something to Teiko, as the boy helped Katsumi up the hill. Teiko was already at the top. The older man assisted Aki in setting Katsumi on the grass, they pulled down the boy's hood to ruffle his hair.

His silver hair.

"Hikari, who is that boy?" I ask the woman in my arms.

She smiled slightly at me, twining her fingers with mine, her eyes closing. She used her last bit of energy to call out to the boy.

"Kookie... come here and meet your dad."

I stood in shock.

Aki seemed just as surprised as me.

Well, My brain said, now you know who Kookie is.

Shut up, I replied.

Teiko smiled at me, making his way down the hill to stand next to me. He gently took Hikari from my arms, and nudged me up the hill. "Go, meet your son." He said quietly to me.

I walked mechanically up the hill, until I was face to face with the boy.

We stared at each other for a long moment. Aki, who had barely spared me a glance before, was studying me, taking in my appearance. I looked into the dark eyes, so much like mine, and saw a flurry of emotion, ranging from distrust to wonder.

His silver hair stuck up in the same manner as mine. No one would be surprised that he was my son. However I could see Hikari in his high cheekbones, and the way he bit the inside corner of his lip, a habit the boy had no doubt picked up from his mother.

"Otousan?" The boy whispered.

My eyes were glassy, and I blinked rapidly to show no signs of tears. We stood, staring at each other.

Suddenly, we both moved. I dropped to my knees, and Aki surged forward. The boy wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same to him. We stayed there, hugging, the rest of the world forgotten.

I have a son.


Ahhhhh it happened! The book is nearly done :'( I think there'll be one more chapter and an epilogue, but I might decide to make it a few more chapters, if I have anything else to write about. Here's to the longest chappie yet *cheers* over 1700 words

see ya next time



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